3 ways to prevent computer radiation


With the development of society, electronic products have become indispensable in our daily life. Some of us usually work on the computer for 8 hours a day at work, and when we come home from work, we usually read the tutorials on the computer or play with the computer. Can you work without a computer? Can you have fun without a computer? We basically spend most of our time in front of electronic products such as computers. But the harm of its radiation is very large, so how can we reduce the radiation? Let me share with you a few points. Let us first look at the hazards of computer radiation!


It will cause adverse effects on the visual system. Since the eyes are sensitive organs of the human body to electromagnetic radiation, excessive electromagnetic radiation pollution will also affect the visual system. Mainly manifested as decreased vision, causing cataracts and so on.

Computer radiation pollution will affect the body's circulatory system, immunity, reproductive and metabolic functions, and even cause cancer and accelerate the proliferation of cancer cells in the human body. Think about how scary it is.

Computer radiation can also affect the male reproductive system, mainly manifested in the reduction of sperm quality in men, while in women, spontaneous abortion and fetal malformations occur in pregnant women.

Computer radiation will also affect people's cardiovascular system, manifested as palpitations, insomnia, especially for some women's physiological problems. Such as menstrual disorders, bradycardia, decreased cardiac blood volume, sinus arrhythmia, leukopenia, decreased immune function, etc.

So how do we prevent computer radiation?

Computer radiation prevention method 1: cactus + self-regulation


That's right, the way to prevent computer radiation is cactus, because cactus can absorb radiation, so as to prevent radiation. Also, avoid using the computer continuously for a long time, avoid operating the computer continuously for a long time, and pay attention to the combination of work and rest. To maintain a most appropriate posture, it is best that the distance between the eyes and the computer screen should be 40-50 cm, so that the eyes are looking flat or slightly down at the screen. Do not exceed 2 hours, stand up to the balcony to move the neck and shoulders, look at the green plants in the distance, and supplement vitamin a, which has a good preventive effect, protects the eyes and prevents cervical spondylosis.

Computer radiation prevention method II: Thoroughly clean the skin


We must wash our face before and after using the computer on a daily basis. Because for a long time in front of the screen, the skin is also prone to excessive oil secretion and dust accumulation. Before going to bed, you need to clean your skin in time after using the computer, which will reduce the radiation exposure by more than 70%. After the computer is turned off, the first task is to cleanse the skin. If you are a woman, you don't have to be lazy. Thoroughly wash your face with lukewarm water and facial cleanser to remove all the dust and dirt adsorbed by static electricity, and then apply a mild sculpting and repairing cream to reduce damage and moisturize the skin. If conditions permit, when you wash your face at noon, it will be very comfortable to apply an oil-free refreshing lotion.

Computer radiation prevention method 3: timely nutritional supplement

For people who use computers frequently, it is very important to increase nutrition, and it also has a good preventive effect. For example, vitamin B is very beneficial to mental workers. If you sleep late and the quality of sleep is not good, you should eat more animal liver, fresh fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamin B group substances. You can also drink some wolfberry juice and carrot juice from time to time, which is also very effective in nourishing eyes and skin care. Especially young women are very concerned about their appearance, so quickly ditch those carbonated beverages and drink carrot juice or other fresh juices instead. Some tea lovers have good news, because the active substances such as tea polyphenols in tea will help absorb and resist radioactive substances.