What should you watch out for when your cat is pregnant?


Friends who have cats at home will probably panic when faced with a cat that is pregnant for the first time. They don't know what to do. What should you pay attention to when a cat is pregnant? Today we're going to talk about these 6 things cat owners must know.

1. When the cat is pregnant

The gestation period of a female cat varies from 56 to 71 days, with an average of about 65 days. If the pregnancy exceeds 71 ​​days, it may cause the female cat to have a difficult labor. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the hospital to find a professional doctor for treatment.

2. Representation of cat pregnancy

After 3 weeks of pregnancy, the female cat's nipples will turn dark pink or red, the female cat's abdomen will gradually become larger, and the weight will increase by 1 to 2 kg. At this time, the female cat will become very careful and maternal.

The owner needs to take special care of the pregnant cat, do not let it exercise vigorously, observe the cat's every move from time to time, and immediately send it to the hospital if there is any abnormality.


3. Take your pregnant cat to check

Female cats may experience false pregnancies. It is recommended to take the cat to the hospital for abdominal palpation and ultrasonography 21 to 28 days after breeding to confirm whether the cat is pregnant.

After more than 46 days, X-ray imaging can be done to confirm how many babies are in the mother cat's belly, and owners can make plans.

4. Things a pregnant cat can't do

Cats should not be vaccinated, dewormed and bathed during pregnancy, and owners should not always touch the cat's belly out of curiosity, which can cause harm to the fetus and the mother cat. In the case of a multi-cat household, it is advisable to separate the pregnant cat from other cats.

In addition, owners should pay attention to the cat's mental health and mood to avoid cat stress during pregnancy. Prepare a comfortable and quiet sleeping environment for your cat. Autumn and winter will be cooler in the morning and evening, so in terms of life, you can put a layer of comfortable fleece pads on the cat litter to keep warm.

Second, do not vaccinate and deworm a pregnant cat. If you really need to give the cat medication, it also needs to be done under the guidance of a doctor.

It should be noted that if the cat owner does not use the correct medication during pregnancy, it will lead to some inevitable congenital diseases in the newborn kitten!


5. Preparations before childbirth

Before the cat is born, the owner must prepare the delivery room. The best and easiest "delivery room" is the cardboard box. It's best to start acclimatizing your cat to the carton 1 week before giving birth, and try putting a clean soft towel to encourage her to sleep in the carton.

Be careful to open a 10-15 cm opening from the bottom to facilitate the mother cat to enter and exit, and prevent the kitten from falling out. The birthing box preferably has a lid that can be opened when needed to care for the kitten.

For owners without professional birthing experience, you can put some clean water and cans next to the cat when the cat is giving birth. If the cat has more than one delivery at a time, supplemental physical fitness is sometimes required to continue the delivery.

If the cat is weak and weak during labor and other difficult labor conditions, the owner should send it to the doctor for surgical delivery as soon as possible.


6. Pregnant cat diet

During pregnancy, female cats should be careful not to overfeed. While they require more protein and calories, pay attention to nutritional balance as well. Don't add too much nutrition. Excessive nutritional supplementation can make the cat difficult to give birth. The combination of food and the frequency of feeding should be arranged reasonably.

After pregnancy, the cat's appetite will be more than before pregnancy, so that some owners think that the cat should eat more good food during pregnancy, and then feed the cat big fish and meat every day. This is actually the wrong approach.

Cats should reduce their calorie intake early in pregnancy. For cats to gain healthy weight gradually, 100 calories per day should be sufficient.

In the selection of cat food, kitten food can be provided to cats, because the nutrition of kitten food is more balanced, and at the same time, cats can be allowed to eat some nutritional cakes to supplement some vitamins and trace elements.