Preventive measures and precautions for baby saliva rash


I believe that many people are no strangers to the disease saliva rash and know that this disease often occurs in infancy. Be sure to take care of your baby when drool rash occurs. So, what are the preventive measures for infant saliva rash? Next, I will give you a detailed introduction. If you are interested, please come and see it with me. I hope it will be helpful to you.
Infant drool rashPrevention and strong>What are the precautions?

1. Precautions for infant drool rash keep the skin clean and dry. Be careful not to use a pacifier after your baby drools and develops a rash. In fact, using a pacifier for a long time will also make the baby drool unconsciously, which will lead to the problem of redness and long saliva rash on the corner of the baby's mouth. Therefore, when we use the pacifier, we must be careful not to let the baby's mouth turn red with saliva rash, otherwise it will affect the baby's health.

2, pay attention to isolation and moisturizing. How to care for baby's drool rash? If the skin on the baby's chin is red and itchy, it is recommended to apply some Vaseline, or a moisturizer such as lanolin to help "block the "The contact between the skin and saliva can speed up the recovery of damaged skin, and for the saliva rash around the mouth, it is recommended to apply olive oil, which is effective and safe; there is no need to worry about the baby eating it in the mouth.
3, do not pinch the baby's cheeks. Don't pinch your baby's cheeks frequently when playing with your baby, as this will stimulate the salivary glands to secrete saliva.

4. Preventive measures for infant saliva rash: change frequently and wash frequently. Clothes, quilts, etc. contaminated with baby's saliva should be cleaned in time to avoid bacterial growth.

The above is the content of the relevant nursing precautions for infant saliva rash compiled by the editor. Seeing here, I believe that everyone has a certain understanding and understanding of the above content.