4 Myths About Feeding American Shorthairs


As one of the top ten most popular cats, American Shorthair cats are easy to care for, rarely get sick, and are very cute, but nutrition is still essential for American Shorthair cats, so they are usually given to American Shorthair cats. What do fur cats feed? What are the common mistakes when feeding American Shorthair cats?

American Shorthair Cat Feeding Misunderstanding

Misunderstanding. 1 American Shorthair likes fish

Nutrition experts point out that fish can provide cats with good protein and other nutrients, but excess fish can be harmful to cats' health. Such as tuna, itself contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, requires a considerable amount of vitamin E to prevent fatty acid deterioration. If a cat eats a diet containing excess tuna over a long period of time, it may lead to yellow fat disease. The cause of the disease is that the vitamin E content in food is insufficient, forming a yellow substance deposited in body fat. The disease produces a painful inflammatory response. The key to preventing this disease in cats is to provide cats with a nutritionally complete and balanced diet and avoid overfeeding tuna.


Misunderstanding. 2 American Shorthair cats need milk

Nutritionists tell us that cats can get some of the water and carbohydrates they need from milk; but cats can't live on milk alone. Also, many adult cats are lactose intolerant, they do not have the enzyme lactase, so they cannot digest the lactose in milk, resulting in soft stools or diarrhea a few hours after drinking milk. If diarrhea occurs, the intestines cannot adequately absorb water and nutrients. So cats can drink moderate or small amounts of milk, but kittens absolutely do not depend on milk to grow and develop.

Misunderstanding. 3 American shorthair cats can only eat vegetarian

Many vegetarians think their cats can live on a vegetarian diet just like they do. While cats occasionally bite plants in the house, that doesn't mean they prefer plants as their only food. Nutritionists say that if cats eat only grains or plants, they won't get all the nutrients they need to stay healthy; therefore, a vegetarian diet won't keep cats healthy and active. The main reason is that cats themselves cannot synthesize taurine and eicosatetraenoic acid needed for health, and these two nutrients can only be provided by animal meat and fat, so cats cannot be vegetarians only.

Misunderstanding.4 Cats can only eat one kind of cat food

Some dry cat foods on the market are also produced according to the different needs of cats, such as: hairball formula, gastrointestinal sensitive formula, skin sensitive formula, gum health formula, anti-urolith formula, etc. Different recipes, cat owners can choose according to the different needs of the American Shorthair.


How to clean eye tear marks for American shorthair cats

The American Shorthair cat has a short nasal cavity, tears for a long time, and is prone to tear marks around the eyes. Especially light-colored cats, the tears left on their faces are really ugly. In fact, as long as you pay attention to cleaning every day, you can easily remove it. The easiest way to do this is to rub your eyes with a hot towel every day, or mix some starch and boric acid powder in half and pat on the tear stains. The powder absorbs the stain and acts as a bleaching agent.

Another method is to take a tablespoon of boric acid powder, dissolve it with a teacup of boiling water, stir well, buy a small container, and put the cotton pad in it. Pour the solution on a cotton pad, slowly pour off excess solution, and close the case. Then use one of the cotton pads daily to bleach, remove tears and prevent tear streaks from forming. Remember to replace your makeup remover once a week to prevent bacterial growth and infection over time.

For existing stubborn stains on the cat's face, you can use a half-mix of starch and boric acid powder to remove it as described above: first make a paste with water, carefully apply the paste to the stain, let it dry naturally, and then dry Just brush it off, wipe it off, be careful not to get the powder into your eyes. Dropping these powder particles into the eyes may cause eye ulcers. Boric acid powder is not difficult to find and can be bought in general pharmacies.

Whether it is a cat or a dog, there will be tears. Not only do you need to take care of American shorthair cats, but also pay attention to your diet. Don't give cats and cats to eat human food, especially pepper and salt. These are the main culprits of tears in cats, so the owner must Remember this for the little ones at home.