What conditions can metronidazole treat?


Metronidazole is a standing drug in many families, and the price is low. There are about 100 pieces of metronidazole in a bottle, which is only a few dollars. Although this drug is inconspicuous, it has a wide range of effects.
A bottle of metronidazole may help you treat 5 diseases, are you using it right?
First: Oral disease
Some people have a heavy taste and often eat spicy and irritating food, which leads to oral ulcers, bleeding gums and periodontitis. These problems can be treated by taking metronidazole, especially in the treatment of acute periodontitis. Metronidazole can significantly Inhibit local coronary inflammation and protect oral health.
Second: Gynecological Trichomonas infection
Metronidazole has no obvious inhibitory effect on gynecological trichomoniasis, but can eliminate all existing trichomoniasis, mold and bacteria in a short time. Because metronidazole is less effective against immature trichomoniasis, metronidazole should be continued for flushing during treatment with this drug.
We can use this medicine under the advice and guidance of the doctor, and the therapeutic effect is very good.
Third: Toothache
Most toothaches are caused by bacterial infections, most of which are anaerobic bacteria. Metronidazole has a good killing effect on bacteria in the mouth and can also relieve toothache symptoms.
However, with toothache, we need to find the cause and fix it at the root. After all, the drug is only a symptom-relieving drug. Dental disease will worsen if metronidazole alone cannot treat it.
Fourth: Treatment of diabetic foot
Diabetes is the main killer that threatens the health of middle-aged and elderly people. Complications can easily result if left untreated. Diabetic foot is a very serious complication of diabetes.
More than 95% of diabetic foot infections are caused by anaerobic bacteria. Taking metronidazole can inhibit the growth of anaerobic bacteria, achieve the effect of anti-inflammatory and sterilization, and control diabetes within a stable range.
Fifth: Colitis
After colitis, the obvious symptoms in patients are decreased intestinal digestive capacity, which may be accompanied by abdominal pain, diarrhea, and dyspepsia, which is related to local infection caused by bacteria. Metronidazole is mainly used to treat or prevent systemic or local infections caused by anaerobic bacteria.
At this time, the use of this medicine for treatment can eliminate colon inflammation, thereby effectively improving colitis. Therefore, after colitis is discovered, it can be treated with metronidazole.
What precautions should be taken when taking metronidazole?
First, do not drink alcohol after taking medicine
Stay away from alcohol while taking medication, and metronidazole is no exception. If you drink alcohol after taking metronidazole, it can easily react with the drug and can easily cause poisoning.
Second, not suitable for pregnant women
During this special period, pregnant women cannot take the medicine at will, because metronidazole has certain side effects. There may be some risk to the fetus if this medicine is taken.
Third, if there are adverse reactions, the drug should be discontinued in time
Everyone has a different medical condition and responds differently to medications. During treatment with metronidazole, some patients may experience adverse reactions such as headache, dry mouth, nausea, glossitis, convulsions and even encephalopathy. At this time, you should pay attention to stop the drug in time to avoid causing more harm to the body.
Fourth, don't eat too much
We often say that drugs are divided into three parts. Any drug has certain side effects and contraindications. Dosage must be strictly controlled and no overdose is allowed. Otherwise, it is easy to cause flora imbalance, bring certain drug resistance to the body, and easily lead to physical injury.
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During taking metronidazole, one should be alert to these adverse reactions
First, the most common adverse reactions of metronidazole are headache, nausea, dry mouth, stomatitis and glossitis, which are generally mild and do not affect treatment;
Second, when there is an abnormality in the body, resulting in uncoordinated movement, if there is a combined encephalopathy, the drug should be discontinued immediately. If physical impairment or abnormal sensation occurs, the drug should also be discontinued as soon as possible;
Third, metronidazole can pass through the blood-brain barrier and cause neurotoxicity;
Fourth, the recovery of sensory neuropathy is slow or incomplete.
If it is a normal adverse reaction caused by taking the drug, it can be relieved as soon as possible after a few days of stopping the drug. If it is an adverse reaction caused by a drug allergy, the drug must be discontinued immediately and a doctor's help should be sought.
Conclusion : It is a three-point drug. Before taking the drug, you must clarify the precautions and side effects of metronidazole, and don't make fun of your health.