How do cell phones affect the human body?


"Mobile phones can't be placed next to the pillow, the distance is too close, radiation will cause cancer!"

The smartphone is one of the greatest inventions of the 21st century. It killed the TV, the camera, the phone, and even the wallet... Many people in daily life can’t live without mobile phones, but As soon as you open the Internet, you will find a lot of news saying that it causes cancer. Is it true or false?

1. Yale study: mobile phone radiation may increase cancer risk, and it is related to a certain gene mutation

First of all, let's take a look at a controversial study. In 2020, the Yale School of Public Health and scholars from China released a related study on "whether mobile phones may cause cancer". In this study, 900 mobile phone users were mainly investigated, and it was found that among all mobile phone users, if there are single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) variants in the body , the risk of developing thyroid cancer will be higher.

The researchers say the study has provided evidence that genetic susceptibility influences the relationship between mobile phone users and thyroid cancer, but others remain controversial.

This study was conducted in 2010-2011, when modern smartphones were just born, and only a small number of people could use them at that time. Based on this, Some people think that maybe only early models caused thyroid cancer. associated risk increases. Nowadays, with the continuous development of mobile phone technology and the wider application of mobile phones, it is necessary to further study the relationship between mobile phones and thyroid cancer.

Second, is the brain tumor that everyone is most concerned about related to mobile phone radiation?  

When modern people use mobile phones, they are actually most concerned about radiation problems. There are also discussions on the Internet about "mobile phone radiation causes brain tumors". Is brain tumor really related to mobile phone radiation?

Researchers from the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, in conjunction with the International Agency for Research on Cancer, jointly carried out a related study and selected women born in the United Kingdom between 1935 and 1950 as the study subjects.

After following them up to 14 years, found that their use of mobile phones for more than 20 minutes a day, or for more than ten years, did not lead to an increased risk of any type of brain tumor , so they participated in this study of people believe that the use of mobile phones does not increase the risk of brain tumors.

3. Afraid of mobile phone radiation, how far is there no "hazard"?

The radiation of a mobile phone is directly related to the signal. Generally, if the signal is strong, the radiation will be small , and if the signal is weak, the radiation will be large. If at this point, you want to reduce cell phone radiation, try to maintain a good signal.

So does distance affect the magnitude of mobile phone radiation? Maybe the next experiment can tell us how far the mobile phone is without harming the human body.

Because the influence of the electromagnetic radiation of the earth itself needs to be excluded, the radiation amount of the experimental environment is measured to be 0.3 milliGauss before the experiment, and then the same mobile phone is tested at different distances.

1. 5cm away from the phone: 1 milliGauss

2. 10cm away from the phone: 0.5 milliGauss

3. 15cm away from the phone: 0.3 milliGauss

That is to say, after subtracting 0.3 milligauss of ambient radiation from , and placing it on a mobile phone 15cm away from you, the radiation value is basically equal to 0.

In other words, when we are farther away from the radiation source of the mobile phone, the value of the radiation will be smaller, and it may even be 0.