What are the early symptoms of prostate cancer?


With the improvement of living standards and the rapid development of population aging, the incidence of prostate cancer in men is gradually increasing. Twenty years ago, the incidence of prostate cancer in men was 4.36/100,000 people (about 4 per 100,000 people). ), but by 2012, the incidence of prostate cancer had risen to 9.9 per 100,000 people. In contrast, the first-tier cities, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, are areas with high incidence of prostate cancer in China. This may be related to the improved economic conditions and relatively long life expectancy in these areas. One of the causative factors of prostate cancer in men is age. The higher the age, the higher the incidence rate .


Judging from the incidence of prostate cancer in men abroad, the incidence of prostate cancer in men in the United States is higher, reaching 75.7/100,000. From the statistics of the world, the annual incidence rate in the United States accounts for 17% of the world's, and my country accounts for 8% .

Although the incidence rate in the United States is high, the mortality rate is relatively well controlled, only 8%, while the mortality rate in my country accounts for 15% of the world .


The early symptoms of prostate cancer in men are not obvious, and 4 changes should be vigilant

The early symptoms of prostate cancer in men are not obvious, because there are differences in the specific location of its incidence. However, with the further development of the disease, the body, especially the urinary system, will still have obvious symptoms. Specifically:

1. Difficulty urinating . Male prostate cancer dysuria mainly occurs at night, with frequent urination, urgency, and incontinence , and accompanied by burning sensation and pain .

2. Hematuria . Hematuria is a symptom of cancer cells infiltrating the urinary tract . The more severe the disease, the more serious the hematuria.

3. Pain . The pain is not only reflected in when urinating , but sometimes because of the pain in the urethra, it also involves pain in the surrounding tissues. If there is pain in the waist, legs or other parts , it may be that the cancer cells have metastasized and spread.

4. Weight loss . The body will not lose weight for no reason, especially when there is no weight loss , it is usually a typical manifestation of cancer spread, because cancer cells eat up nutrients in the body.


What are the "culprits" of prostate cancer?

Age factor This is the biggest incentive. Prostate cancer in men is a typical elderly cancer. Clinically, The incidence of men over the age of 50 increases exponentially . Therefore, middle-aged and elderly people should take good care of the prostate.

A person with family history . Prostate cancer in an immediate family member approximately doubles your risk. If two or more immediate family members have had prostate cancer , then their risk will increase by 5 to 11 times .

The subtle relationship between sex life and the prostate. Some studies say that frequent sex increases the risk of prostate cancer in men, while others say the opposite. Some studies have also shown that frequent sexual activity at a young age increases the risk of developing the disease, while proper sexual activity in old age can reduce this risk.

Therefore, the current attitude of the mainstream medical community is that young people are not greedy for sex life, The elderly should not restrain themselves, which is the protection of the prostate . In addition, racial differences also lead to variable incidence. Blacks and whites have a higher incidence, while yellows have a relatively low incidence .


Regarding the prevention of prostate cancer, the relatively professional advice of doctors is to eat more foods rich in dietary fiber , and at the same time to control the excessive intake of fatty foods.

In addition, should avoid prolonged sitting and exercise , which can adjust the balance of psychological rhythm and improve the metabolism of the human body.