How to raise Oriental cats?


It's not that oriental cats are called oriental cats. Oriental cats are also a breed of cats. They are an accidental product of a breeder while raising another cat. At that time, experts wanted to breed pure white Siamese cats, so pure white cats were used to breed Siamese cats, and the Oriental cat we know now was born. Like other cats, although they were born in 1962, it was actually in 1972 that this cat was recognized as a new breed.

Oriental cats are similar in appearance to Siamese cats, but with distinct differences in coat color. Oriental cats can appear in white, red, brown, black, etc., and people also call it magenta, magenta, etc. according to their coat color. Because Oriental cats have Siamese genes, sometimes Oriental cats can give birth to Siamese offspring, but such cats will not be recognized as purebred Siamese cats, nor can they obtain a pedigree certificate, so when buyers buy Siamese cats, Must be more careful.

Likewise, Oriental cats also inherit some of the character traits of Siamese cats. For example, they all have a curious mind, like to be in contact with people, and have a certain possessiveness. If the breeder leaves them alone for a long time, or plays too much with other animals, they will get jealous and the breeder will wait to collect the cat's bill. In addition, in the impression of most people, Oriental cats are shorthair cats, but Oriental longhair cats are also recognized.

Oriental cat morphological characteristics

Oriental cats can be described as colorful breeds. They come in many coat colors. White, black, brown, chocolate, etc. are all possible colors. In addition to a solid color, the hair may appear streaked or patched. Under the cultivation of generations of breeders, Oriental cats have formed fixed morphological characteristics, and have well inherited the characteristics of their ancestors - the size of Siamese cats and the coat color of shorthair cats.

Compared to other felines, Oriental cats have a more compact torso and look like natural athletes, and it turns out that they are indeed athletic, with running and jumping being their forte. Although the limbs are slender, they do not look out of place with the body. Due to the variety of coat colors, many people worry about being deceived by unscrupulous merchants when they buy Oriental cats. So if you want to buy such a cat, you must go to a regular pet store. You can also bring an expert who knows Oriental cats to give you advice.

Feeding knowledge of Oriental cats

Oriental cats are great as companion pets for three main reasons:

1. Be friendly to people, whether it is a breeder or a stranger, and will not be aggressive;

2. There is no threat to children at all, many children even like to play with them;

3. Adaptable, no barking, easy to train. Therefore, many families are very fond of Oriental cats.

Because Oriental cats have a lively and active heart, their breeding space must be not small. Letting cats live in small spaces is equivalent to putting them in jail. Their powerful energies have nowhere to vent and can eventually cause cats to become irritable or aggressive. Some breeders will take cats out for a walk in order to give cats enough exercise, but it should be noted that when walking cats, you must remember to tie them on a leash, otherwise such curiosity is extremely heavy and likes to climb. Cats are prone to some dangers.

The fur of the Oriental cat is soft and shiny. To keep cats healthy, breeders need to take care of them on a regular basis. First, grooming is essential. Brushing once a day not only makes the fur smoother, but also promotes blood circulation in the cat's body and keeps it in a healthy state. Second, regular bathing is also an important part of cat fur maintenance. Common problems such as cat shower gel and suitable water temperature will not be repeated. It should be reminded that because Oriental cats are very lively, bathing has become a difficult task for cats who like water, and breeders should prepare in advance.

In the process of caring for Oriental cats, breeders may also encounter such problems - cats are always coquettish and begging for food. If this happens, the breeder must think twice, because it is not good to give them too many snacks, they are not good, but may cause various diseases (obesity, urinary system diseases, etc.) in the cat. When the cat is begging, the breeder can reassure the cat by looking away or using something else to make the cat stop.

In order to make Oriental cats better adapt to family life, breeders should also give them some training, but the patience of Oriental cats may not be as good as you think, so breeders can shorten the training time as much as possible. If your cat becomes very impatient, don't force them to continue training.