Why are sperm deformed?


Getting married and having children may seem like a matter of course, but it's not the case. We all know that the quality of a man's sperm is crucial for conception. However, in recent years, the incidence of male sperm deformity has been increasing, which seriously threatens male fertility.

The current situation of the qualified rate of sperm is worrying

In fact, the decline in sperm quality has become a reality. According to statistics, the quality of male sperm has dropped by 50% in the past 50 years. According to this trend, in another 50 years, human fertility will become a problem.

The Fudan Sperm Bank once convened more than 100 male volunteers under the age of 35. They regularly screened sperm quality in their health, but found that the total qualified rate of sperm quality was less than 10%.


As a result, substandard sperm is no longer an uncommon problem, and there are many factors that can cause abnormal sperm.

Sperm deformities are mainly affected by five factors

1. Bacterial infection

Whether it is the infection of the reproductive glands or the reproductive tract, the abnormal rate of male sperm will increase, especially the infection of chlamydia and mycoplasma, which will cause damage to the sperm cell membrane, thereby affecting the motility of male sperm and reducing sperm quality.

Second, environmental factors

For men engaged in special work such as chemical production and transportation, long-term exposure to lead, dust, styrene and other substances will affect the vitality and quality of sperm, thereby increasing the rate of sperm deformity.

These substances can also damage the reproductive system and cause infertility problems. It is worth noting that excessive chemical substances in home improvement and furniture will also increase the probability of sperm deformity.


3. Physical factors

Long-term exposure to physical factors such as high temperature, ionization, and radiation will also affect the testis and epididymis, resulting in a decline in the quality of male sperm. Therefore, welders are a high-risk group of sperm deformities, and they need to take protective measures when working.

In fact, often working in a high temperature environment, or sitting for a long time, will increase the local temperature of the testis, thereby affecting the motility of sperm. However, computer engineers, text workers, etc. all need to sit for a long time, and these people must pay attention to proper exercise.

3. Disease impact

Varicocele is the most common disease that causes sperm deformity in men. This disease can cause abnormal testicular blood circulation, cause testicular nutrient deficiency, and even cause local blood stasis, affecting sperm growth and development , eventually leading to sperm deformities.

In addition, men who take anticancer drugs, certain antibiotics or steroid hormones for a long time are also prone to sperm deformities.

Fourth, personal factors

Bad living habits can also affect the quality of sperm, such as drinking a lot of alcohol, smoking for a long time, staying up late, playing with mobile phones, etc., which will increase the probability of male sperm deformity to a certain extent.

Therefore, men who are planning to have children should adjust their living habits and work and rest methods, play less mobile phones and computers as much as possible, and develop a good work and rest mode.

Faced with such a high sperm deformity rate, what can we do to solve it?

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What should I do if the sperm deformity rate is high?

If you are troubled by the high rate of sperm deformity, you may try the following conditioning methods:

First of all, change your unhealthy lifestyle, quit smoking, quit drinking, avoid prolonged sitting, set a rest schedule for yourself, and get up and exercise after sitting for a long time. Also, try not to wear tight pants and stay away from radioactive materials.

Secondly, if it is a sperm deformity caused by a disease, it is necessary to treat the disease and find the corresponding cause. In addition, if it is caused by certain drugs, the medication regimen can be adjusted.

In addition, if it is teratospermia, you need to go to a professional hospital for standardized treatment to improve the problem of sperm deformity.


Although the quality of male sperm cannot be controlled artificially, developing good living habits and staying away from radiation, high temperature and other factors can effectively reduce the rate of sperm deformity. Therefore, in order to give birth to a healthy child, be sure to play less computer games and avoid prolonged sitting.