What is the difference between protein powder and muscle building powder?


Muscle building powder can be called a "complex protein supplement". The seven essential nutrients our body needs are: carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water.

For muscle building powder, it is generally = carbohydrates + protein + fat + vitamins + minerals. If you find out, it's the equivalent of a meal.

And protein powder is expressed in one sentence: protein powder is a product that provides protein.

More specifically, it can be one of the body's daily protein sources, similar to meat and beans, but because it is a purified concentrate product, the protein is purer and better absorbed.



Muscle building powder can be eaten as a meal. Protein powder is more of a protein supplement. When choosing a muscle-building powder, focus primarily on the source of its carbohydrates.

Many mass gainers will use cheap maltodextrin as a source of carbohydrates, please don't choose him. Mass Gainer uses only maltodextrin as a single source of carbohydrates. This kind of muscle building powder is not very good, because simple carbohydrates are prone to blood sugar fluctuations and easy to accumulate fat.

Mixed carbohydrates can help reduce blood sugar fluctuations and curb fat accumulation. So I recommend choosing more suitable complex carbohydrates.

In addition to maltodextrin, isomaltulose is added, which is not digested by saliva, gastric acid, and pancreatic juice until it is absorbed by the small intestine and then hydrolyzed into glucose and fructose. Raise blood sugar levels.

After isomaltulose is digested and absorbed, it will not cause insulin secretion and will not activate lipoprotein lipase, so the presence of isomaltulose makes it difficult for fat to be absorbed by adipose tissue.

This shows that the carbohydrates used in muscle technology are complex carbohydrates, which are beneficial to the sustained function of the body. Not easy to produce blood sugar fluctuations. Better control of calorie intake.


Protein powder mainly depends on the source of protein (plant/animal protein) and process (concentration/isolation/hydrolysis)

Protein source:

Animal sources (whey protein powder, beef protein powder, egg protein powder, etc.) Plant sources (soy protein powder, brown rice protein powder, etc.)


Concentrates (also often referred to as "whey protein powder")

Separation (separation process can be carried out on the basis of concentration to improve purity)

Hydrolyzed (partially hydrolyzed protein powder, generally speaking, the protein is partially decomposed for faster and easier absorption)

In general, 90% of fitness enthusiasts use whey protein powder. After all, this protein powder is the most common, successfully flavored, and affordable.

Also: Hydrolyzed protein powder will have a slightly bitter taste because part of the protein is hydrolyzed. The protein isolate powder is relatively light, and the fragrance is much lighter. Whey protein powder has a strong milky aroma.


Muscle building powder mainly relies on carbohydrates, protein powder mainly relies on protein


How to eat muscle building powder/protein powder

1. After training (Protein powder / Muscle building powder taken alone or in combination, but the protein does not exceed 50 grams per serving)

2. Between meals (snack)

3. Meal replacement (when it is inconvenient to eat occasionally)

Meal replacement or snack: 100-150 grams of muscle building powder, 30-60 grams of protein powder

And after training: about 100 grams of muscle building powder or about 30 grams of protein powder, it can also be mixed with protein powder (1 protein powder + half muscle building powder).

Supplement: Muscle building powder and protein powder are not comparable. The focus of mass gainers is on a variety of nutrients. The whole point of protein powders is protein. Anyone who is strong can take a mass-gaining powder or protein powder, whether to build muscle or lose fat. You can also eat protein powder to gain muscle, or you can eat muscle gain powder to lose fat. The premise of all this is the increase or decrease of calories.