How to distinguish between yoga and pilates?


Pilates uses equipment whereas yoga can be done without any assistive equipment. I'm sure a lot of people think this statement is true, and I thought the same thing when I didn't know Pilates until I saw Pilates on the mat. If you want to distinguish according to that sentence, isn't it yoga when you put on Pilates? Many people don't understand how yoga and Pilates are different.

How to distinguish between yoga and Pilates

We can refer to the following points:

1. Different states

Pilates focuses on the process of doing the movement, while yoga focuses more on how to use your strength and flexibility to maintain the movement after the movement.

2. Different breaths

The breathing method of yoga is "full breathing method", which requires breathing through the chest and abdomen, while Pilates is breathing through the nose and mouth.

3. Different exercises

Yoga focuses on flexibility, while Pilates focuses on building muscle strength, endurance, and building muscle.

So how exactly should these two seemingly identical projects be chosen?

The origins and history of the parties will not be discussed here, nor their cultural background. In terms of exercise methods and effects, how should I choose between yoga and Pilates?

If your goal is to get in shape, build some muscles, and pursue some strength and beauty, then Pilates is recommended.

Because Pilates requires high core stability, whether it is Pilates on the mat or Pilates on the equipment, it is a good way to use functional movements to activate muscles, and it is also a precise force to avoid muscle compensation. good way.

The movements of Pilates seem to be simple, but in fact it is difficult to reach the standard, and the details of the movements are more demanding. We will find that many of the movements in exercise rehabilitation almost use Pilates movements.

Then if your purpose is to enhance the temperament, let us rejuvenate our whole body and mind, and relax our mind at the same time, then yoga is the first choice.

Because yoga is more inclined to the homing of the body and the spirit, it does not require you to do the movements very precisely, but only needs to complete the movements in sequence and in the correct posture, which can mobilize the inner ability to control the outer.

The movements of yoga seem to be very difficult and have strong stretching properties, but in fact, as long as you do it and stick to it, it is not as difficult as you think. It is more inclined to the cultivation of the mind and spirit, and its spiritual meaning is far more than action.

Finally, to sum up: Pilates is more suitable for precise local shaping exercise, while yoga is more suitable for all-round physical and mental exercise, one for the body and one for the mind. It's up to you to decide how you want to achieve your goals.