What are the parts of the rowing machine that move?


As a fitness equipment that combines strength training + aerobic training, rowing machine has a very good effect on weight loss. Not only can lose weight, but also has good plasticity.

And, studies have shown that using a rowing machine for 20 minutes is equivalent to using a treadmill for 50 minutes, and the visible effect is very good.

What is the movement of the rowing machine?

First, the starting point of the rowing machine movement is on the legs. Leg muscles like the quadriceps, hamstrings, and hip muscles like the gluteus maximus come into play. Press the pedal hard and move your body backwards, pulling the ropes of the rowing machine with your body.

Then, for the second half of the exercise, row back with your arms, delts, and back muscles, pulling the rower tension band to your chest while straightening your legs and knees, but not hyperextending.

Finally, bend your legs, bend your hips, extend your arms, and move your body forward to return to the starting position.

Such a complete rowing action is completed.

Obviously, a complete rowing machine exercise is the muscles of the legs, buttocks, arms, shoulders, back and other large and small muscles of the whole body, not only the upper body or the back, 80% of the muscle groups are not excessive, but 90% The above is a bit of an exaggeration. So the rowing machine is a full body exercise.

From the point of view of how much muscle mass is mobilized, rowing machine > elliptical machine > spinning bike > treadmill, deserves to be ranked first among the "four kings" of home fitness equipment.

As for whether the lower body exercise is enough, it still varies from person to person, and the length of exercise varies.

Because the leg movement of the rowing machine is very small, it is enough for ordinary people. For people who have been exercising all year round, this weight is definitely unmatched by barbell squatting, but if the amount of exercise is insufficient, it is a bit too one-sided.

Fitness people should know that the amount of exercise is not only related to weight, but also to the frequency (time) of exercise. The fitness maniac who warmed up with 100kg squat for more than ten minutes on the rowing machine was too tired to kneel. You also say that exercise is not enough? Try it out for yourself for a few minutes.


Is the rowing machine suitable for large weights?

The rowing machine, like the elliptical machine, is a non-impact form of exercise.

Knee- and joint-friendly: rowing machine ≈ elliptical > spinning > treadmill.

At the same time, from the perspective of motor function and muscle mobilization: rowing machine > treadmill > elliptical machine > spinning.

You can think of a rowing machine as a combination of strength exercise (for the general population) and cardio.

So, whether you are a general group without exercise habits, or a fitness group who exercises regularly; whether you are a fat friend who wants to lose fat, or a muscle friend who wants to do functional training; whether you are maintaining health or recovering after injury; Rowing machines are suitable.

In short, a rowing machine is for almost everyone.

The subject was 180cm tall and weighed 90kg, which was classified as overweight, but not obese. If you do aerobic exercise, such as treadmill or burpee, it will damage your knees and joints relatively, rowing machine, elliptical machine is best for your aerobic exercise.


Does the rowing machine have sports injuries?

First of all, with any sport there is a risk of injury, you still get cramps when you walk! Tai Chi can also flash waist!

The risk of a rowing machine sports injury is already very small, and the only possible sports injury is a lumbar muscle strain.

However, it is not easy to cause lumbar muscle strain. The premise is that you stick to the wrong training position for a long time, such as rowing for seven or eight hours a day for two or three months to see if that works.

Is the rowing machine easy to use?

Using the rowing machine can be said to be quite simple. To sum it up: one kick, one pull.

A few points to note:

1. Push and pull the rope back to the top, do not lean back too much, the upper body can be slightly larger than 90°;

2. When returning to the initial state forward, do not lean forward too much to cause a hunchback, and try to keep your body straight;

3. The belly must be tightened, but one cannot relax;

4. Don't sit without pulling or pushing, or you'll really only practice your back, don't just pull and push, unless you really only want to practice your arms.