What to do if male ejaculation pain?


In sexual life, ejaculation is an important symbol of a man reaching orgasm. Ejaculation will bring great physical and mental pleasure to men, which means that they have experienced a high-quality sexual life. But there are also many men who do not enjoy ejaculation, but have the problem of ejaculation pain, so what is the problem of men's ejaculation pain?


What are the causes of painful ejaculation?

1. Sex life is too rough

Some men act too violently during sex, especially after men who have not had sex for a long time suddenly resume sexual intercourse, they are particularly prone to rough sex and induce pain in ejaculation, causing the sexual organs to be in a state of water and edema, which will trigger ejaculation during ejaculation. Pain, a condition known as a physiologic factor.

2. Frequency of sexual intercourse

Men who have excessive sexual intercourse can not get the necessary rest due to the overwork of their sexual organs, which can cause painful ejaculation.

Excessive sex life often causes aseptic inflammation of seminal vesicles, vas deferens and urethral organs, resulting in congestion and edema of these organs. During ejaculation, these engorged organs are stimulated by smooth muscle contractions, causing pain.

3. Psychological factors

Anxiety, tension, depression and other adverse psychological factors are common in patients with nervousness, emotional instability and neurosis. Their sexual organs are highly sensitive, and sexual activity can cause spasmodic contraction of local muscles, resulting in painful ejaculation.

4. Urethral stones

When a urethral calculus occurs, if it is embedded in the urethra or in the ejaculatory duct, it will cause pain due to the continuous contraction during ejaculation.


5. Prostatitis

Prostatitis is a common phenomenon in men. During sex, the muscles will contract rhythmically, which will stimulate the inflammatory lesions and cause pain, especially during ejaculation, the pain will be aggravated.

6. Peyronie's disease

People with Peyronie's disease may experience pain during erection during sexual intercourse, aggravated by ejaculation. People suffering from urethral stricture, semen is not discharged smoothly, the urethra attempts to force out the semen, it will also cause pain.

7. Suffering from tumor

When there is a tumor in the reproductive organs, male ejaculation can also be painful. In particular, malignant lesions such as the testis and epididymis cause the vas deferens to be compressed and blocked. Most of this pain is mainly dull pain and soreness.

What should I do every day to prevent painful ejaculation?

1. Prevent male diseases

Most men experience pain in ejaculation because of male diseases, so daily measures should be taken to prevent andrological diseases, and regular inspections should be carried out to find out whether there is a disease. Only by controlling the disease at the source can it prevent pain during ejaculation.


2. Avoid frequent sex

Some are persistent pain due to excessive sexual activity, resulting in edema and congestion of organs. In this case, as long as you control the number of sex lives and pay attention to not being too violent during sex, you can prevent painful ejaculation and bring pleasure.

3. Exercise the lower abdomen

Because men need a lot of physical strength during sex, especially the lower abdomen needs endurance, so in normal times, you can improve muscle endurance by exercising the lower abdomen, so that you can last longer during sex and prevent ejaculation pain.

Male ejaculation pain is very common clinically. If necessary, seek medical attention. Don’t delay because it feels difficult to talk, which will lead to the aggravation of the disease, which will eventually affect the reproductive organs and sexual life, and bring other problems.