What are the characteristics of a Balinese cat?


Native to the United States, Balinese cats have nothing to do with Bali, but are named Balinese because their movements resemble those of indigenous Balinese dancers. As you can see from the nickname of the Balinese cat, the Balinese cat is related to the Siamese cat, and they are bred from individuals with genetic mutations in the offspring of the Siamese cat. America in The cat was first recognized in the 1960s.

When the Balinese cat first appeared, there was not much interest among cat owners, but this underrated cat attracted a lot of attention, and then the Bali cat began to develop.

Balinese cats are naturally active, so staying indoors for long periods of time may not display their talents. If possible, take them for a walk in a small garden or courtyard. In addition to strong athletic ability, Bali cats are also natural hunters, but because they are basically kept indoors, they have little chance of hunting, but the owner can prepare some small toys as bait to train them to hunt.

Balinese cats have a single-minded affection for their owners, they are the kind of cats that will follow you, and sometimes you might mistakenly think it's a dog rather than a cat. It is because of this personality that Balinese cats love to be petted and communicated by their owners. They're also willing to give you a loving hug whenever you're free, and because Balinese cats don't shed much, they're very popular with cat lovers.

In addition to being able to live in peace with the owner, the Balinese cat can also live happily with dogs and other cats, so if the owner of other animals at home does not have to worry about the Bali cat being at odds with other animals.


Balinese cat character traits

Intelligence and enthusiasm have always been synonymous with Balinese cats. Compared to their ancestor Siamese, Balinese cats are obviously more approachable to people. While Balinese cats love to play, they are not unruly cats. As long as the master calls, they will still come to the door obediently to listen to you, because they like to be with humans. If they live alone, I am afraid they will really suffer from depression.

Many people know that Siamese cats have loud, not soft meows, but Bali cats do not inherit this characteristic, their meows are softer and not annoying to their owners. Most Balinese cats also look their owners in the eyes and take action. For example, when the owner is in a good mood, he will act like a spoiled child by the owner's side, begging for favor, and when he finds that the owner is depressed or angry, he will give the owner some space for himself.

Balinese cats are curious. Once they are interested in something or item, they will follow up relentlessly until they lose interest. At the same time, they are also very sensitive, and a little noise may attract their attention, so under the dual effect of curiosity and sensitivity, the owner may find that the cat moves as mysteriously as a detective.

In addition, Balinese cats are also one of the most gregarious animals. They are not hostile to dogs or other cats in the house. If the dog or cat in the house is very active, they can definitely play together, but the owner may want to think about how to get them to a quick stop because if they play crazy, the crazy person in the end will be the owner.


Morphological characteristics of Balinese cats

The ancestor of the Bali cat is the Siamese cat, so their morphological characteristics must be similar to the Siamese cat, but because the Bali cat is the product of the Siamese cat gene mutation, coupled with decades of training by the breeder, it has also formed its own unique Physical Characteristics: Medium build, streamlined, muscular, graceful and dexterous.

Bali cat breeding knowledge

The breeding of Balinese cats requires some changes according to the physical changes in different periods. Under normal circumstances, when the cat is less than 6 At one month old, the owner may need to devote more time and effort to caring for the cat. The main reason is that cats go through a period of rapid body growth from birth to six months of age. If there are some mistakes in the breeding process, the cat may not be able to live a normal life in the future.