Can drinking plenty of water clear kidney stones?


Kidney stones are common diseases of the urinary system, which are crystals formed due to the high content of uric acid in the urine. If you have kidney stones, you need to treat them as soon as possible. If the treatment is not timely, it will cause urinary tract infections, and may damage the kidney function and cause the renal parenchyma to shrink. It is often heard that drinking more water can help us excrete uric acid, dilute the concentration of uric acid in the urine, and play a certain role in preventing the formation and aggravation of stones. If you suffer from kidney stones, drinking more water can really expel the stones. ?

Can drinking plenty of water help expel kidney stones?

Drinking plenty of water is the basic guarantee of kidney health, and drinking more water can prevent many kidney-related diseases. For example, kidney stones, urinary tract infections, etc., and the kidneys will excrete excess water in the body, then some metabolic waste metabolites in the body will also be excreted with the urine, so drinking more water is good for the body. Under normal conditions, the daily water intake of the human body is 1500ml-2000ml, and the water intake includes the amount drawn from soup and beverages in addition to normal drinking water. The amount of water you drink varies from person to person, and there is a certain relationship with sweating. If you sweat a lot, you need to drink more water. If the weather is cold and sweating is less, you need to drink less water. Proper drinking water has a good effect on the kidneys, but drinking more water will increase the burden on the kidneys. 2000ml-3000ml is the best.

If kidney stone patients can maintain a daily water intake of about 2,000 ml, it is actually beneficial for stone relief and deep maintenance, and the treatment of stones is nothing more than taking medicine or surgery. In fact, there are certain prerequisites for water, that is, the size of the stones in the body must not exceed 6 mm. Small stones can be gradually taken out of the body by drinking more water. Therefore, drinking more water, this Whether the method is effective or not should be judged according to the situation of your own stones.

If you can do 3 points, the kidneys may quietly improve

1. Do some jumping exercises appropriately

The kidneys are located in a very special position in the body, and the stones are located in the kidneys, which can also damage the kidneys. If you find that there are small stones no more than five millimeters in your body during the physical examination, the doctor will usually recommend doing more jumping exercises. , In the case of relatively small stones, the jumping exercise can help the stones fall into the urethra and are excreted with the urine. This is one of the reasons why many patients are told by doctors to drink more hot water. A little rope skipping or long jumping only takes about 20 minutes, so it is good for your own health and kidney maintenance.

2. The method of taking medicine if necessary

Because the size and location of stones in each person are different, the methods of treating stones are also different. For small stones, it may be possible to speed up the excretion of small stones by jumping and drinking water, but some stones may be relatively large. Through these methods It is difficult to send it out, so we should also take the method of drug treatment if necessary.

3. The method of surgical treatment

If the examination finds that the stone problem is very serious, even if it is relatively large, and there is no way to get a good treatment by taking medicine, you must consider surgical treatment, otherwise it is easy to lose your urinary catheter and damage your health.