What are the changes in women going through menopause?


When women reach a certain age, they will menopause and enter menopause. Once they enter menopause, with the decrease of estrogen secretion in the body, the ovarian function will decline, and it is easy to induce various diseases that plague women's health.
Most women don't want to enter menopause too early, because in women's cognition, menopause means that the speed of aging is significantly accelerated. In fact, after menopause, it is not necessarily rapid aging. As long as you can actively regulate and maintain your body, menopause will You can spend peacefully.
What is the best age for a woman to go through menopause?
The age of menopause for most women will be between 45 and 55 years old, so the age of menopause spans as long as 10 years. The symptoms of menopause during these 10 years are all normal physiological phenomena. In fact, the age of menopause is also affected by many aspects. influences, such as age at menarche, family influences, environmental influences, etc.
The earlier the age of menarche in most women, the earlier the age of menopause. If your mother and sister go through menopause at an earlier age, then hers will also go through menopause earlier. Menopause occurs when a woman is younger than 45 years of age at menopause, which means premature ovarian failure, because the body’s secretion of estrogen and progesterone is too low to maintain the normal growth and shedding of the lining of the uterus.
If a woman is over 55 years old and has not yet reached menopause, it does not mean that she is younger, but that the level of estrogen in the body is too high. In fact, many cancers are closely related to estrogen levels, which predispose to an increased risk of endometrial, ovarian, and breast cancer.
When women are approaching menopause, there may be 5 kinds of changes in their bodies. It is recommended that women around 50 years old know
1. Menstrual changes
When menopause is approaching, the levels of estrogen and progesterone secreted by women's ovaries are unbalanced, and the thickening and thinning of the endometrium is also uncertain, and women's menstrual disorders will occur. At this time, women are likely to come every two weeks. Menstruation or only once every 2-3 months, the menstrual flow is less and less, and the menstrual cycle is not fixed.
2. Mood changes
As menopause approaches, women’s mood changes are particularly unstable, with typical manifestations such as depression, upset, and inexplicable sadness.
In fact, this is closely related to menopause. During menopause, hormone levels fluctuate too much, which directly affects the central and nervous systems, resulting in emotional changes.
3. Joints and bones are prone to pain
As women approach menopause, they will feel pain in joints and bones, because ovarian function begins to decline near menopause, and there is less and less estrogen in the body. Insufficient estrogen secretion will lead to insufficient absorption of calcium by the body. If women do not pay attention to calcium supplementation at this time , The joints and bones may degenerate. At this time, the calcium required by the bones cannot be provided at the first time, which is easy to induce osteoporosis. If women feel that their joints and bones are prone to pain, they should be alert to the advent of menopause.
4. Night sweats and hot flashes
In menopausal women, due to the different physiological characteristics of the immune system, immune factors, and thermoregulatory centers, endocrine hormones will be in an extremely disordered state, which affects the normal regulation function of thermoregulatory centers, and causes women to have low-heat and dry-hot reactions. of women always feel that there is an inexplicable heat flow out of nowhere. It can lead to pathological changes such as body heat, sweating, dizziness and brain swelling, and increase the burden on the body.
5. Heart palpitations and palpitation
Because after menopause, it will also cause progesterone and estrogen metabolism disorders, resulting in overactive sympathetic nerves, which in turn leads to neuroendocrine disorders, palpitations and palpitations. Anxiety, your fears can be eased.