What is the difference between women with 3-day and 7-day menstrual periods?


The length of the menstrual period varies from person to person, and is often used as one of the main criteria for judging whether women's gynecological health is healthy. Regarding the menstrual time, some women are clean after three days of menstruation, while others are clean after seven days. So is it better to be clean for three days or clean for seven days?

What is the standard for normal menstruation?

1. Age

Generally, girls have menarche around the age of thirteen, and will have amenorrhea on their own at the age of forty-five to fifty-five years, which lasts for about thirty-five years. During this period, except during pregnancy and lactation, it is usually once a month, which is called menstruation.


2. Time

That is, the time from the beginning to the end of menstruation, no matter how much or less menstrual blood is, the normal value is 3 to 7 days. If the menstrual time is suddenly shortened or prolonged, consider whether there are symptoms such as irregular menstruation.

3. Period

The menstrual cycle refers to the time between two menstrual periods. The normal cycle is 21-35 days, with an average of 28 days. Occasionally, it will be advanced or delayed, but the time will not exceed 7 days. Don't worry too much, this is a normal phenomenon.


4. Color

A normal period is dark red with occasional small patches of endometrial lining and some uterine mucus. When the amount of menstrual blood is relatively small, brown discharge may also appear, which is normal. The color may darken during the first menstrual period.

What is the difference between a woman who has a clean period for 3 days and a clean period for 7 days?

1. From the perspective of estrogen secretion

The formation of menstruation is inseparable from the stimulation of estrogen. If the estrogen level of a weak woman is too low, the menstrual flow will be significantly insufficient, the loss of the endometrium will be affected, and the menstrual duration may be relatively short.

If the menstrual period is clean for two or three days, it may be because the estrogen level in the body is low. Pay attention to supplementing estrogen. From this point of view, women with clean and fast menstruation tend to age faster.


2. In terms of physical health

Some female friends are healthy and full of qi and blood, and it takes 7 days for menstruation to be clean. And those women who have clean menstruation for three days have insufficient blood in their bodies, so from the perspective of physical fitness, women with clean menstruation for three days are more likely to age than women with clean menstruation for seven days.


What are the signs before menstruation?

1. Headache and dizziness

Because there will be hormonal changes before menstruation, it may lead to increased brain pressure, which may cause headaches and dizziness. Therefore, some women feel head discomfort before menstruation. At this time, they should pay attention to relax and maintain emotional stability. Relieve headaches and dizziness.


2. Abdominal distension and abdominal pain

Before menstruation, most women will have some discomfort, such as abdominal distension, abdominal pain, etc. In addition, some women will have symptoms such as constipation. If these symptoms occur, women can prepare in advance.

3. Excessive mood swings

Before menstruation comes, At this time, women's endocrine will fluctuate, which is the most obvious change, that is, many women are upset, especially prone to emotional agitation, and will also experience tension and general weakness.


4. Breast pain

The secretion of estrogen in the body of premenstrual women will increase, which will lead to the growth of female breasts. Therefore, at this time, there will be needle-like pain in the breasts, and some will have obvious pain. At this time, massage the breasts gently to promote blood flow. Circulation, relieve pain and discomfort.


5. It is easy to forget things

In the first few days of menstruation, some women may have difficulty concentrating and forgetfulness, which affects the normal judgment of work and life.