How to control your heart rate during summer running?


We all know that a high heart rate while running can lead to accidents. In summer, many runners report that the heart rate is getting higher and higher during running, so how to control the heart rate?

It is normal for your heart rate to increase during summer running. With running, the core temperature of the human body will continue to rise, our body needs to sweat a lot to cool down, and the heart also needs more exercise to pump more blood to the body surface and produce sweat.

For example, your heart rate may be 140 when you run, but in summer, you may have 10% of your heart rate working for blood transport. So now your heart may only be 130 heart rate for running work. In this case, if you were running at the same pace, your heart rate would be higher than ever.

Therefore, for runners who pursue health, they can slow down appropriately when running in summer.

Also, use the three-paragraph rule. The three-segment rule is to divide our entire run into three segments.

The first third must be slow and gradual. For example, if your goal is to keep your heart rate at 140 below, you can keep your heart rate below 130 for the first third of the time.

Then your heart rate may quickly rise to 135 in the middle, and increase your heart rate to 140 in the last third, so that your heart rate is always within your target heart rate range, and running will be safer.

Running in the summer, at the same heart rate, it is normal to slow the pace by 30 seconds to 1 minute. Don't feel like the sky is falling just because the pace is slow.