How to do push-ups correctly?


Although everyone is familiar with push-ups, not many people can do them well. After all, this action is difficult. Like any movement, it has to be done correctly in order for it to work and avoid injury, so instead of doing the push-up, we do it right.

How to do push-ups correctly

If we don't really get into this movement, we might think that this movement is primarily an exercise for the arms, but it's not. It's not that simple, so before introducing the dos and don'ts of push-ups, let's take a look at this action, as follows:

Bend over, arms under shoulders, hands slightly wider than shoulders to support body, elbows slightly bent, back straight, core tight, legs slightly apart, back straight

Keeping your body steady, tuck your abs, slowly bend your elbows and down until your chest almost touches the ground, then straighten your arms to support your recovery

Of course, from the point of view of the basic action essentials, it is not difficult, but it involves several key details. Attention to these details will directly affect the quality of the action.

1. Not a wrong error, the angle of the torso and arms

In the push-up process, the angle of the arm and the torso is different, and the main stimulation target is also different, that is, the angle of the upper arm and the torso at the bottom of the action, such as:

When the included angle is less than 30 degrees, the main stimulation target is the triceps

When the angle is about 45 degrees, the main stimulation target is the pectoral muscles

When the angle is close to 90 degrees, the main stimulation target is the shoulder

From these three perspectives, there is nothing wrong, but many friends, especially girls, will open their arms outward during the exercise, so that the angle between the arms and the torso is close to 90 degrees to complete the movement, because this will It is relatively easy, but in this case the shoulder joint will bear too much burden, so the risk of injury is also relatively high, so it is generally not recommended unless there is a solid training foundation.

2. The back is not straight

Waist-hip sagging is a common mistake in push-ups, caused by habit on the one hand, and weak foundations such as insufficient pecs, core, arms, and shoulders on the other. Without a straight back, you're putting too much pressure on your spine even when you're done.

So, when you don't have the ability to perform standard actions, start by improving your basic ability first. For push-ups, you can choose to go down the steps, such as kneeling push-ups, kneeling push-ups, diagonal push-ups, etc.

3. Not paying attention to the falling process

When they first came into contact with push-ups, most of my friends thought that the focus was on supporting the body, so they would not actively control their bodies when they fell, or even let their bodies fall freely. This will not only affect the effect of the action, but also increase the risk of injury. On the contrary, active control is also a process of ability improvement, and in the process of active fall control, the target muscles can be better stimulated.

Therefore, in the push-up process, not only pay attention to getting up, but also pay attention to the position of falling.

4. Only do half

In the push-up process, due to insufficient strength, the chest cannot meet the requirement that the chest almost touches the ground during the falling process, so when there are still a few centimeters from the chest, it will get up and recover the ground or more distance; although this is not wrong, but Not a better, more complete stimulation of the pecs. Of course, in addition to only doing the first half of the movement, only doing the second half of the movement is not enough to form a better stimulation of the target muscles.

Therefore, at this time, don't do it reluctantly, but reduce the difficulty of the action, such as choosing a kneeling position to complete it.

5. Stand up with your arms fully extended

When you stand up, your arms are fully straight. It feels easier to do this, but the arm is fully extended, which means the joint is hyperextended. At this time, the elbow joint will be locked. Although the movement will be easier, it will cause excessive pressure on the joint and increase the risk of injury. In addition, from the perspective of training effect, arm muscles will experience a short relaxation process, which will affect the overall training effect.

6. Summary

In general, keep the following points in mind when doing push-ups:

The angle between the arms and the torso should not be too large, and the shoulders should be directly above the hands

whole body in a straight line

Complete the movement so that the chest almost touches the ground

Control the rhythm of movements and actively control when falling

Keep elbows slightly bent when standing