What are the reasons for anxiety about getting married?


There are many young people around them who are in their twenties and are urged to get married by their parents and relatives at home. They are so anxious that they are almost out of breath and even depressed. Many people are not unmarried, and everyone has their own pressures and reasons. So why are most young people anxious about being urged to marry? The following four points are common reasons.


1. Reason 1: Social anxiety or social fear

Because many young people have social anxiety or social fear themselves, they tremble, blush, stutter, have a stiff expression, and are afraid of having nothing to talk about. In addition, the middle-aged and elderly people at home are always urging and even scolding and other reasons, so that the bird who is not strong enough has no courage to fly out. Only anxiously clinging to his parents, the more parents introduced objects, the more timid they became. I don't even think I deserve to get married.

2. Reason 2: I am still a child at heart

Many young people feel that although they are adults in their twenties, they are actually still a child, and how is it possible to let a child raise another child? At heart it is rejection. Of course, there are many reasons why young people think that their hearts are still children. We need to discover it and improve it in order to really relieve the anxiety caused by marriage rush.


3. Reason 3: The bad parental relationship leaves a shadow

When many young people were young, the relationship between their parents in the original family was not harmonious. They often saw their parents quarreling, and the family lacked warmth. So they will think that if they get married, they will be like their parents. Every day when I get home from work, I don't have any greetings. The two are together just to maintain a cold husband and wife relationship. Many young people are reluctant to believe that another partner is reliable due to the shadow of the bad parental relationship, and they are also afraid of the family urging marriage. This leads to over-defense and over-emphasis on self-independence. Therefore, they are only willing to enter marriage when they think that they must have no worries about financial work. In these young people's feelings, marriage is the death of personal freedom, and the feeling of needing to take care of others every day is very painful. This is also a big reason why young people are reluctant to face urging marriage.

4. Reason 4: The cost of real life is too high

Young people have just stepped into society, and the money they earn may only be able to support themselves. Now let them abandon their lives to raise the next generation, then they will face greater living expenses. Stress and anxiety ensue. After all, a good material life requires money. Therefore, many young people are busy making money, working hard to survive, and they don't have much leisure time, leisure time and money cost to talk about love. Once faced with the problem of family urging marriage, most young people will show a disgusting attitude. Because the pressure of urging marriage will only increase, and a series of practical problems such as houses, cars, the elderly and children are the burdens of young people. From this, it can be understood why they face the anxiety of urging marriage.


In fact, marriage is a wonderful thing. When many young people are urged to get married, they are actually looking forward to a perfect marriage. Whether it's a relationship or a blind date, there is no need to worry about urging marriage. Live your day well, relax, what should come will always come.