How do women exercise butterfly sleeves?


In the eyes of many women, if you want to look better, you must have a delicate "ketone body". But because they don't usually pay attention, many people unknowingly grow "butterfly sleeves", that is to say, there is too much fat on their arms. This annoys a lot of people. They had no fat in their abdomens, thighs and buttocks, but had fat on their arms. what should I do? In fact, don't worry, it's actually very simple to solve the butterfly sleeve, and three actions can help you.

Why do butterfly sleeves appear?

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you won't be in danger in a hundred battles. To solve the butterfly sleeve, you must know how the butterfly sleeve is formed. In fact, compared to men, women are more likely to accumulate fat, especially in the abdomen, buttocks and extremities, due to their special structure.

Moreover, compared with men, women generally dislike sports and have a soft spot for sweets. As we age, muscle mass decreases and fat on the arms increases, forming butterfly sleeves. But don't worry, if you want to solve the problem of butterfly sleeves, please keep reading.

How to exercise Butterfly sleeves?

Although butterfly sleeves make thousands of women distressed, they only need three actions to help you quickly solve it.

1. Jump rope or in situ "skip rope" swing arm exercise

We all know that our arms need to be constantly shaking when jumping rope. During this process, the fat on our arms breaks down rapidly. As long as women can stick to it for 20 to 30 minutes, they can play the role of thin arms. Of course, if you don't want to skip rope, you can also imitate the arm swing of skipping rope. As long as women can stick to it, the effect will be very good.

2. Flexion and extension of the back of the neck

This action has a good effect on our triceps, and our fat is basically concentrated in our triceps area, so we can lose fat.

When doing this action, we can choose to stand, of course, we can choose to sit down. Start with a dumbbell in one hand, then place the dumbbell behind your head, support your elbow with the other hand, and begin to stretch your arm forward with the weight-bearing hand. In this exercise process, we must rely on the triceps to exert force to avoid the situation of borrowing force. This action is quite tiring, and many women may not be able to hold on to it, so don't repeat it too much, 8-10 times is enough, 3 sets a day, and one set is counted with the left and right hands.

3. Bend over arm bend

When doing this action, you must avoid borrowing force, because the phenomenon of borrowing force in this action is very common.

First, we stand normally on the ground, legs apart, shoulder-width apart, leaning forward, back straight, holding a dumbbell in one hand and balancing on the exercise bench with the other. Clamp the upper arm with the weighted hand, and do the extension with the forearm. Of course, you should make full use of the triceps and avoid borrowing. 8-10 reps per set, 3 sets per day is enough.

Conclusion: Still worrying about butterfly sleeves? In fact, this is not necessary, as long as you find the right way, it is still very simple to remove the butterfly sleeve. Of course, this requires persistence. First, work hard on your diet, and second, keep exercising. Rope skipping and dorsiflexion are all very effective methods.