What is the principle of painless childbirth?


Childbirth is an important stage in most women's lives that cannot be avoided. Before their babies are born, mothers have to go through a "earth-shaking" baptism. Some mothers describe the pain of childbirth as "an unforgettable pain that leaves the mother without dignity". Fortunately, now that medical conditions are better, more and more mothers can choose to give birth without pain.
The emergence of painless childbirth brings hope and help to mothers who choose to give birth naturally. So, is painless childbirth really painless? Will painless childbirth have any adverse effects on the baby? With these questions, let's talk about painless childbirth today~
01 What is the principle of painless childbirth?
Pain is first transmitted by sensory fibers to the brain and then responds to pain, and the brain then makes instructions. The anesthesiologist punctures the spine with a needle and injects anesthetics and analgesics to reduce or completely block the conduction of sensory nerves, so that the brain does not feel stimulated and does not feel pain. Of course, this process is reversible, which means that once the drug is metabolized, the pain mechanism will be restored, and there will be no impact on health.
02 Can painless childbirth really be "painless"?
First, painless delivery is achievable, but painless may be achieved by sacrificing motor function. Painless temporary sacrifice of motor function, the mother will not be able to get out of bed, which is not conducive to childbirth. In addition, the painlessness makes the mother unable to feel the pain of uterine contractions, and the mother's psychological feeling of childbirth disappears, and she cannot get psychological support. At the same time, the painless second stage of labor requires the fetal head to compress the perineum to produce bowel movements, prompting the mother to hold her breath and increase abdominal pressure, resulting in a feeling of pulling down hard. Therefore, complete painlessness is not conducive to the mother's childbirth.
After nearly 10 years of running-in in the department of anesthesiology and obstetrics, the mother's pain level in childbirth is controlled as follows: the VAS score of the first stage of labor is 3 points (0 points are no pain, 10 points are unbearable pain, 3 points are tolerable uterine contractions pain) , The VAS score of the second stage of labor is maintained at 5 to 7 points, the purpose is to restore the perineal reflex without affecting the mother's breathing effort. Therefore, painlessness is actually analgesia, and the technical term for "painless labor" is "labor analgesia".
03 Does painless childbirth affect the labor process?
The delivery process refers to the whole process of the mother's production and delivery of the baby, including four stages of labor, and the first three stages of labor are mainly experienced in the delivery room (delivery room and delivery room). The successful completion of childbirth depends on three basic elements: productivity, birth canal, and fetus.
The first labor process refers to the start of regular uterine contractions until the cervix is ​​fully dilated (10 cm). It takes 11-12 hours for primipara and 6-8 hours for multiparous h. The first stage of labor can be divided into two phases: the latent phase and the active phase. (1) Incubation period: uterine contractions gradually strengthen, the cervical canal disappears until the cervix dilates to 3 cm. The duration of this stage is variable, generally 8 to 16 hours. A mother's first stage of labor is considered abnormal if it exceeds 20 hours. (2) Active period: cervix opening 3 cm to full dilatation, the fetal presentation enters the middle pelvis.
The second parturition process refers to the time from the dilation of the cervix to the delivery of the fetus, which lasts about 2 h. At this time, the mother will feel the pain of uterine contractions is relieved, but there will be an involuntary bowel movement during the contractions, which is caused by the fetal head pressing on the rectum. Many mothers do not exert force. The reasons may include unclear guidance of midwives and inability of mothers to understand the essentials of movements. The Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University has opened a delivery experience, which will help mothers to understand the delivery process in advance. (Note: In the new stage of labor, the second stage of labor is prolonged, and the number of painless delivery exceeds 4 h; more than 3 h in patients without analgesia. )
The third labor process begins with delivery of the fetus until delivery of the placenta. After the fetus is delivered, the placenta begins to peel off after 1 to 2 contractions, and there will be a small amount of bleeding. At this time, under the guidance of the medical staff, the mother held her breath hard to assist the delivery of the placenta. Usually at 30 The placenta will be delivered completely within minutes, such as 45-60 minutes after the fetus is delivered. If the placenta has not been delivered yet, it needs to be stripped by hand. After the removal, the doctor will check whether the placenta is intact, because the placental tissue remaining in the uterine cavity can cause postpartum hemorrhage and even infection. If the placenta is incomplete, the uterine cavity needs to be explored.
After the midwife sucks the amniotic fluid and wipes the baby, the mother can start breastfeeding, put the baby in her arms, and promote emotional communication with the baby. After the doctor sutures the perineal wound, the mother and the baby enter the postpartum observation room together to observe the mother's bleeding, blood pressure and general condition. You can be transferred to the general ward after h.
Several studies at home and abroad have proved that labor analgesia has a significant shortening effect on the first stage of labor. Delivery of labor analgesia during the incubation period does not prolong labor.
04 Does painless childbirth affect the baby?
Domestic and foreign studies have repeatedly confirmed that epidural analgesia used by mothers during childbirth has no effect on the Apgar score of the born baby. The Apgar score (muscle tone, pulse, frown motion i.e. response to stimuli, appearance/skin color, respiration) is the most commonly used method for assessing the overall health of newborns, and is based on skin color, heart rate, respiration, muscle Tension and five physical signs of movement and reflex were scored.
A newborn with a score of 10 or more is considered a normal newborn, a newborn with a score of 7 or less is considered to have mild asphyxia, and a newborn with a score of less than 4 is considered to have severe asphyxia. Most newborns score between 7 and 10. After the newborn is born, the Apgar score will be done for 1 minute, 5 minutes and 10 minutes respectively, and the doctor will deal with it according to the child's score.
Epidural analgesics are generally highly diluted with small doses of local anesthetic and a small amount of opioid analgesics. These drugs are pumped into the epidural space (not directly into the blood) to act on the nerve roots and spinal cord, thereby produce analgesic effect. Under normal circumstances, only a very small amount of the drug will be absorbed into the blood, and the drug entering the fetus is even less, and the impact on the fetus is even smaller.
As we all know, Europe and the United States and other countries are very strict in the supervision of medical childbirth, and the application of drugs to mothers and fetuses is more stringent, but painless childbirth technology has long been popularized. According to public information, the United Kingdom began to implement painless childbirth in the 18th century, and the painless childbirth rate in the United States and Europe was as high as 98%.
To sum up, painless childbirth has little impact on the labor process and on the baby, so you can choose with confidence.