How to raise traffic light fish


The traffic light fish is a common species in the aquarium, and many aquarium enthusiasts will keep the traffic light fish in the aquarium to decorate the aquarium. This beautiful fish was originally distributed in Peru, tributaries of the Amazon River, Colombia, Brazil and other places. Because the shape of the traffic light fish is very beautiful and dazzling, it is very popular among aquarium enthusiasts.

The picture of traffic light fish swimming in groups is deeply loved by many aquarists. Because the traffic light fish is not difficult to raise and has a mild temperament, it likes to swim in groups in the middle and lower layers of the aquarium, so it is deeply loved by aquarium enthusiasts. It is also a common species in aquariums.

Appearance characteristics of traffic light fish

The traffic light fish is petite and slender, with a slightly flat side and a body length of only 3 to 4 cm. Head length is less than body height. The snout is short, less than the diameter of the eye. Small mouth, sub-optimal. The eyes are large and located on the upper part of the head. The dorsal fin is located in the middle of the body, the distance from the origin to the snout is less than the distance to the base of the caudal fin. There are adipose fins above the caudal peduncle. The anal fin is long and extends behind the caudal peduncle. The pectoral and pelvic fins are normal. The length of the tail handle is greater than the height of the tail handle. The caudal fin is deep and shaped.

The body color of the traffic light fish is bright and gorgeous, and the back is olive green. The eyes are black, with silver-blue rims set with black, giving off a turquoise brilliance. Above the lateral line, extending from the eye to the caudal peduncle, there is a light blue neon longitudinal band, bright and eye-catching. The upper part of the longitudinal band to the back changes from brown to black, and the lower part of the longitudinal band is silver-white in front of the anal fin. There is a bright red stripe extending from the center of the body to the caudal stalk. Under the refraction of light at different angles, the bright color bands on the body sometimes appear green and sometimes blue. When matched with the bright red stripes on the upper and lower body, it flashes red and green, and the anal fin is silvery white. The color match is just right. Especially in the water plant tank illuminated by the lights at night, dozens of traffic lights fish in groups, making the water plant tank more colorful, such as watching fireworks, very charming and very endearing.

Breeding environment of traffic light fish

It is not difficult to raise traffic light fish, but if you want to make the traffic light fish grow healthily, you also need to pay attention to certain feeding skills. The aquarium where the traffic light fish is raised should preferably be beautified with sinking wood and aquatic plants, and the water quality also needs to be stable.

Traffic light fish are gentle and easy to feed. It likes to swim in schools in the lower middle of the aquarium and can mix with other species of fish. The feed water temperature is 22-24 degrees Celsius, the water quality is slightly acidic soft water, and the water color is required to be clear and transparent. The bait is mainly small live food. It likes to live in dimly lit aquariums and exposure to bright light is prohibited. The water quality of daily water change is mainly old water, and it is not advisable to add too much new water; otherwise, it is easy to suffer from vitiligo.

Traffic light fish reproduction is difficult, which is mainly reflected in the high water quality requirements and special care requirements for juveniles. The feeding water needs to be very soft distilled water, and then adjust the pH value of the water to 5.6-6.5 with sodium dihydrogen phosphate, then inflate it with a larger air pump for 2-3 days, and pour it into a large glass bottle for use. Lay a layer of nylon mesh at the bottom of the large-mouth glass bottle (diameter 90mm, height 180mm, depth 130mm) (the mesh size cannot allow adult fish to pass through), then lay a bit of wool mesh board on it, and put a pair of adult fish in each bottle. To increase production, hatching chambers usually require 50 to 100 glass bottles.

Feeding points of traffic light fish

The normal lifespan of traffic light fish is 1-2 years, so how to feed traffic light fish to keep them healthy has become a concern of many aquarists. In fact, in addition to paying attention to the choice of feed, traffic light fish also need special attention to the breeding environment and other issues.

Traffic light fish are not picky about food, as long as they can swallow, I have fed live insects and dry feed. Adult fish (above 1.5CM) are fed red worms once a week, usually small pellets of dry feed. The fish are strong and lively, and juveniles can only be fed dry.

Traffic light fish is very sensitive to water quality, and the most suitable temperature for raising is 24°C, weakly acidic water. When new fish enter the tank, at least 1/5 of the new water should be replaced to reduce mortality. After acclimatization to the tank, the old water and high oxygen environment should be maintained. A simple summary is: new fish use new water, old fish use old water. When new fish enter the fish tank, you need to add bactericidal drugs before each water change, such as gentamicin or cephalosporin, and no more than 4-6 fish tanks of 2000MM are enough.