How to get rid of red eyes


Eyes are the window to the soul. In addition to expressing our thoughts through expressions, we can also choose to express them with eyes. Big piercing eyes are what most people want to have, but many people are suffering from red and swollen eyes. Red and swollen eyes can make us look very lackluster and have a great impact on our appearance. In addition, red and swollen eyes can also cause problems for our body. Today, we will talk about the causes of redness and swelling of our eyes and how to eliminate redness and swelling.

Causes of red and swollen eyes

There are many reasons for red and swollen eyes, let's take a look at which cause you belong to. The first reason is lack of sleep or staying up late for a long time. The second reason is that looking at electronic products or reading for a long time, the eyes are swollen due to overuse. The second reason is that conjunctivitis is caused by the lack of cleaning or the infection of pathogenic bacteria such as bacteria and viruses. The third reason is puffy eyes caused by drinking a lot of water before going to bed. The fourth reason is that poor sleeping position can also lead to swollen eyes. The fourth reason is a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate, which leads to an increase in fluid in the body, resulting in puffy eyes. A fifth cause is a sign of cardiac insufficiency, which is more common in the elderly population. These are the basic causes of swollen eyes.

Methods to eliminate redness and swelling of the eyes

There are many ways to get rid of redness, but find the one that works best for you. The first method is to use cold compress with frozen milk, or use a chamomile tea bag in the refrigerator to cool and then take it out and apply it on the eyelids. The main method is to use an ice compress, but do not use ice directly. can cause damage to our eyes. The second method is not to drink too much water before going to bed to avoid edema and puffiness of the eyes. The third method is to visually improve the phenomenon of red and swollen eyes through makeup. The focus of makeup is to use eye shadows and bright colors, using two-color shadows, brown or gray without red tones will be more suitable, and the upper eyelid will be smudged upwards. When the tone should be from dark to light to make the puffy eyelids flat or sunken. The fourth method is to change the brow shape, move the visual focus away from the eyes, and adopt a less thin brow shape. The fifth method is to carefully clean the eyes every day to avoid the residue of dirty substances in the eyes or the entry of dirty substances into the eyes to cause infection and inflammation. The sixth method is to choose eye drops, ointments or oral medicines to eliminate redness and swelling of the eyes. The seventh method is to wash the eyes with saline to avoid the growth of bacteria in the eyes.

Products suitable for eliminating redness and swelling of the eyes

Cassia seeds have a very good eye improvement effect. We can fry the cassia seeds, grind them finely, and then apply them to the red and swollen parts. Or use Qumai to reduce swelling in the same way as cassia seeds. It is also very effective to apply Qumai juice to the eyes. Mix thoroughly with goose saliva to coat around the eyes. Or use ingredients such as Artemisia annua, plantain seeds, and fenugreek powder.

The above is the basic description of the causes of red and swollen eyes and how to solve them. If you also have the problem of red and swollen eyes, you must try it, and you will see the effect if you stick to it for a long time. If your eyes are very red and swollen, it is best not to take any medicine by yourself, go to the hospital to find out the cause, and treat according to the method provided by the doctor. Each of us can have piercing eyes.