How to Prevent Hair Loss


Hair loss has become a problem that contemporary people pay more attention to, and hair loss is harmful both in terms of beauty and health. Then today we will talk about the causes of hair loss and how to prevent hair loss in detail.

Causes of hair loss

There are many reasons for hair loss, and here are some of the more common ones. The first reason is neurological alopecia, that is, when we are under too much mental stress, we will experience hair loss or even a lot of hair loss when we are often in a tense state. The second reason is endocrine hair loss. Endocrine disorders can lead to hair loss. Endocrine disorders can occur during periods such as postpartum and menopause. Hair growth is affected by a variety of endocrine hormones, so when endocrine abnormalities occur, hair loss will occur. The third reason is nutritional alopecia. Simply put, when our body is malnourished and metabolically abnormal, it may cause changes in hair quality and color. Severe malnutrition may even lead to diffuse alopecia. The fourth reason is physical hair loss. Common physical factors that cause hair loss include mechanical stimulation and exposure to radioactive substances. The fifth reason is infectious alopecia. The infection of various pathogens is an important factor in hair diseases, mainly including bacteria, viruses, fungi, spirochetes, parasites and other infections. The sixth reason is that hereditary hair loss problem occurs naturally. The sixth reason is caused by folliculitis, etc. It may also be anemia or lack of trace elements, or it may be caused by seborrheic alopecia, tinea capitis, etc.

Methods to prevent hair loss

There are many ways to prevent hair loss, but be sure to find the method that works best for you and stick to it for a long time. The first method is to pay attention to your diet. Do not eat spicy food often. Frequent eating of spicy food will cause excessive oil leakage from the scalp, which will block the hair on the scalp and cause a lot of hair fall. The second method is to supplement vitamin A, such as carrots, mangoes, pumpkins, apricots and so on. The third method is to supplement vitamin E, vitamin E can make hair bright and black, and stabilize hair growth, such as sweet potatoes, celery, black sesame seeds, spinach, etc. The fourth method is to supplement iron: a lot of hair loss is generally due to iron deficiency. You can eat some foods in this area to improve your hair, such as black beans, hairtail, potatoes, etc. The fifth method is to choose hair growth or hair growth shampoos, and the common ones are ginger-containing hair care products. The sixth method is that if you are a woman, you can shorten the length of your hair or reduce the frequency of brushing your hair to avoid hair loss due to excessive pulling on your hair.

Harm from hair loss

Hair loss can make us look gaunt and older than our peers, and it can also make us less confident. In a society where you look at your face and look at your image, a lot of hair loss will hinder you when you are looking for a job and when you are in a relationship. In addition, if you have pathological hair loss, it will cause great harm to the body. This is the body's warning to you, so if you suddenly experience a lot of hair loss, don't use hair growth products by yourself, be sure to first Go to the hospital and ask the doctor.

Hair loss is not a big problem but it can not be ignored, there will always be a way to prevent hair loss that is suitable for you. Each of us deserves luscious, shiny hair.