How to get along better with colleagues


The quality of the relationship between colleagues not only affects personal emotions, but also affects work. A harmonious environment among colleagues allows people to work without distractions, which will surely become one of the factors for a person's success in the workplace. Professionals summarize several good ways to live in harmony with colleagues.

3 ways to get along with colleagues:

Retreat method: usually at regular meetings in the office or company, restrain yourself first, then express your attitude and opinions, and think twice before acting. If you feel that your opinion might hurt some colleagues, you may not express your opinion at all.

Forgetting method: When getting along with people, pay more attention to each other's advantages, and also pay attention when getting along with colleagues. Try to let yourself forget the factors that make you emotional. In line with the principle of not dealing with others, and based on facts, many things will become very simple.

Three questions: "Am I being impulsive now?" "What are the effects of my impulsiveness?" "What are the consequences?" By asking yourself this way, you'll find ways to make peace with your colleagues.

6 points for getting along with colleagues:

1. Treat people with sincerity

Sincerity is the key to open the hearts of others, because sincere people make people feel safe and reduce self-defense. If you approach your co-workers with some purpose from the start and try to hide yourself, your co-workers will know that they will hate you later. The better your relationship with your co-workers, the more you need to expose a part of yourself, that is, to communicate your true thoughts to others. Of course, there are risks involved in doing so, but wrapping yourself up completely won't gain your colleagues' trust.

2. Live in harmony

Harmonious co-worker relationships are good for your work. You might as well treat your colleagues as partners at work and friends in life. Don't be stern in the office and make you appear arrogant and disdain to share with everyone.

3. Be optimistic

Always give a colleague a smile, always keep a straight face, and give people a too serious look, which will make people feel very puzzled. If you give a colleague a smile, the other person will return a smile, thus forming a transmission of love. Taking the initiative to be friendly with colleagues and actively expressing kindness can make people feel valued. No matter who you meet or what you encounter, you must face it with optimism and treat it with a positive attitude. There are always more solutions than problems! I believe all problems will be resolved.

4. Respect for equality

This is especially important at all times. Some people will look down on each other because they are colleagues or subordinates, and even say rude things, which is very offensive. We should put each other in the same angle and respect him as a friend. People respect each other and respect each other. In any good relationship, a person experiences a sense of freedom and freedom. A high-quality relationship cannot be established if one party is at the mercy of the other, or if one party needs to slap the other in the face.

5. Fair competition

In the face of common work, especially when faced with problems such as promotion and salary increase, the relationship between colleagues will become particularly fragile. At this time, you should put aside distractions, concentrate on your work, and not play tricks, but never give up the opportunity to compete fairly with your colleagues.

6. Be mindful of privacy

There are gentlemen in the world, and there must be villains, so when we say sincerity, it does not mean that there is no reservation at all. Especially for colleagues you don't know well, it's best to be reserved and not tell them all about your private life. Finally, I remind everyone that the highest state of getting along with colleagues is to always treat other colleagues as good people, and always remember that no one can be a good person.