Precautions for raising Alaskan Malamutes


With the continuous development of society, Alaskan Malamutes are loved by many young people. Alaskans were used as working dogs in their early years and are found in many households today. They will gradually become accustomed to family reproduction and obey the commands of others in the family.
The barking index of the Alaskan Malamute will be higher than that of the Husky; the Alaskan Malamute is loyal and capable, it is an excellent guard dog and working dog, and it is also an affectionate family dog. Getting started requires a lot of exercise.
Character characteristics of Alaskan Malamutes
Alaskan Malamutes are very close to people and are often heard described as "big teddy bears", so their owners need to give them more attention and integrate them into your family much better than leaving them outside .
The big man in front of him is so smart that he can even understand what you say to him in private, so sometimes he can be stubborn and boring when he is alone. It is precisely because of their stubbornness that they will encounter certain troubles in the process of receiving training.
Although the Alaskan Malamute is friendly to people, it can show a fierce side to other dogs that invade its territory. It is best for breeders to take them out more when they are young, and participate in more activities such as dog parties, which are of great help to the dog's body and mind.
For friends who love but don't know Alaskan Malamutes, they're just big men, but for families, they're impeccable playmates and friends.
Alaskan Malamutes are very friendly and are classified as "friend dogs" rather than "lone dogs." Is a loyal, affectionate partner, giving the impression of a noble and mature. Like all sled dogs, the Alaskan Malamute is very friendly to humans. A sled dog raised in a normal environment, very approachable, curious and exploratory. Like other sled dogs, the Alaskan Malamute is generally considered a breed that never attacks humans. If you provoke and provoke him, you will fight back with unimaginable consequences.
Breeding of Alaskan Malamutes Precautions
With the development of society, keeping pets has also become a fashion. Because Alaska has strong language ability, handsome appearance, and can understand people's language, expressions and various gestures, more and more people are raised. Since the stomach and intestines of Alaska are inherently bad, the owner should pay more attention to life and diet.
The Alaskan Malamute has high demands on the environment. Because it originated in the cold zone, it is not very heat-resistant and requires a relatively cool environment for a long time. This dog is very active, so its living environment needs to be relatively spacious, and more importantly, enough exercise should be ensured. Alaskans are large and thick-coated, and they prefer cold to heat. Taking care of them is not easy.
1. Always have clean water for your Alaskan dog.
2. Alaskan dogs are best fed dry food, try not to use soup as the main food. Before 3 months, puppy food (including dog food) should be completely soaked in water.
3. Do not overeat or feed irregularly. Due to the uniqueness of the Alaskan's stomach, remember not to feed too much at one time. It is also necessary to ensure regular feeding. Do not overfeed or not feed, which can easily cause gastric torsion and gastric bleeding, which is not conducive to the absorption of nutrients. Be sure to eat small and frequent meals (dogs every day). 3 to 4 times)
4. Raw and oily foods are not allowed for Alaskan dogs.
5. If possible, mix calcium supplements and growth-promoting nutritional powders in the dog food you feed.
6. Do not use shampoo in the bath as it can cause severe hair loss in dogs.
7. Alaska requires a lot of exercise, preferably running every day.
8. The environment should not be too humid, Alaska has thick hair, moisture is not easy to escape, and it is easy to suffer from skin diseases such as eczema.
9. The dog's collar should not be too wide, it is best not to wear it if you don't go out, it will affect the straightness of the dog's hair.
10. Small Alaskan dogs have a bad stomach and can't be fed anything too greasy. It is best not to have oil in the dog food or rice that the Alaskan dog is fed.
11. Before the dog is a minor, it is best to feed two calcium tablets a day to ensure the healthy development of the dog's bones.
12. You can't cut off the water. It is best to bring two more bottles when you go out, otherwise you will have to spend money to buy mineral water for it to drink.
13. Alaskan hair has a strong self-cleaning ability and does not require frequent bathing. If the environment is not particularly dirty, a bath every two or three weeks is no problem if you feed it indoors.
14. Prepare a dog-specific comb when changing hair, and comb it several times a day, so that the house will not be covered with hair.
15. The nutrition of the little Alaskan Malamute must be maintained before 6 months, otherwise it will affect the coat color and bones when it grows up.
Precautions for bathing Alaskan Malamutes
1. Be sure to comb the coat well before taking a bath, so as to untangle the tangled hair and prevent the coat from becoming more tangled; it can also remove large pieces of dirt for easy cleaning. Especially around the mouth, behind the ears, underarms, inner thighs, toes, etc., the parts that dogs are most reluctant to groom should be cleaned.
Notes: When brushing, in order to reduce and avoid the dog's pain, you can hold the root of the hair with one hand and brush the hair with the other hand.
2. The temperature suitable for bathing the Alaskan Malamute. Generally, it is 36 degrees Celsius in spring and 37 degrees Celsius in winter.
3. The best time to bathe the Alaskan Malamute: The dog should be bathed in the morning or noon, not in high humidity or rainy days.
4. Blow dry the Alaskan Malamute hair and blow dry with a blow dryer or post immediately after washing. Do not dry your dog in the sun after bathing. Because a lot of oil on the coat can be removed after bathing, which reduces the dog's cold resistance and skin resistance, and is prone to colds, skin diseases, and even pneumonia.
5. Be sure to prevent shampoo from getting into your dog's eyes or ears when bathing. When rinsing, do not leave soap or shampoo on your body, which can irritate the skin and cause dermatitis.
6. Generally, it is enough to take a bath once every two weeks, and the number of times of bathing does not need to be too frequent.
Final reminder: Because many owners do not know the basic situation of dogs very well, they will ignore many things when taking a bath. Be sure to squeeze out the dog's anal glands before washing, and be sure to clean up the water and dirt from the dog's ears after washing.