How to Grow a Cactus


Most cacti can grow in strong sunlight: such as cacti, etc., but some slender species, such as papilloides, prickly pears, and polymorphs, which are native to grasslands and shrubs and weeds, are In hot summer, proper shade is required.

How to raise cacti

Cactus is a very familiar plant. It can be seen in flower markets and is a common plant, but do you know how to grow cacti?

Cactus cultivation method:

Method 1: Full sun. Cacti like a sunny environment, but exposure to the sun will slow down the growth of the cactus, and of course, the cactus will not be killed by the sun. If you want your cactus to grow faster, it's best to find a shade for the cactus when the sun is too hot.

Method 2: Do not overwater. Cactus flowers are mostly native to the hot and arid desert wilderness areas of North and South America. The root system of cactus has a strong ability to absorb water. If you water too much, the roots will fester. Some large cacti will not be watered for a year or two. Will not dry out.

Method 3: Use sand or soil. Cacti like sand, so it is best to prepare sand, however, the water in the sand evaporates very quickly, in order to make the cactus grow better, you can lay a layer of soil under the sand, which can retain moisture to a certain extent, Do not water every day.

Method 4: Fertilizers are mainly phosphate fertilizers. Do not fertilize too much at one time, otherwise the concentration of the soil solution will be greater than that of the cactus root cells, and the water will flow out, causing the cactus to be dehydrated.

Method 5: Avoid getting wet in the rain. Cactus is not afraid of running out of water, but is afraid of too much water. Too much water can cause root cells to die from lack of oxygen, so be careful not to get your cactus wet on rainy days.

Method 6: Temperature. The optimum growth temperature for most cacti is 20-35℃. Most species prefer large temperature differences between day and night. Under the conditions of lower than 35℃ during the day and about 15℃ at night, it is conducive to the production and accumulation of organic matter, thereby promoting the vigorous growth of plants.

Precautions for cactus planting

Cacti are easy to maintain and prefer the bulb type that prefers full sun and many flowers. Such plants should not be considered to be drought tolerant during the cultivation process, and normal watering and fertilization should be ignored. So, what are the precautions in the process of planting cactus?

Note 1: In the three seasons of spring, autumn and winter, the sunshine is not strong, the temperature is not high, the water evaporation of the cactus leaves is low, and the watering should not be too much, and the right amount is enough. In summer, the temperature will increase, and the watering should be increased a little, but not too often, just spray the right amount of water on the cactus. Always keep the place where the cactus is placed, the air is moist and not dry, and you can use a watering can to spray a small amount of water at any time.

Note 2: Cactus likes to live in nutrient-rich, loose and breathable soil, and it is usually best to cultivate special soil. Vermiculite, fine sand, decomposed humus = 2:2:1, and then stir evenly. The culture soil made should be held in the hand and barely form a mass, and the sand will be scattered when the hand is released. This soil is more suitable for cactus growth.

Note 3: In terms of watering, no matter what season you water, you should water it thoroughly. It is necessary to make every part of the soil soaked, and do not water only to the middle waist. will perish easily.

Note 4: Spring, summer and autumn are the growing seasons of cacti. In winter, the plant will enter a dormant state and stop growing. At this stage, water should not be too much, and the pot soil should be moist. In winter, plants absorb less water, and excessive watering is easy to rot their roots. Cactus is more light-loving, so it is necessary to take out more to dry. It can't be in a hidden place for a long time, but it should not be exposed to the sun for a long time. The morning sun is the best.

Note 5: Do not water the newly planted cactus first, spray several times a day, water a little after half a month, and water normally when new roots grow after a month.

Note 6: Apply decomposed thin liquid fertilizer every 10 days to half a month, and do not fertilize in winter.