5 Weight Loss Yoga for Beginners


Many friends who want to lose weight, especially women, feel that yoga only needs to be on the mat compared to running and jumping for exercise. Just change a few positions, you don't need to sweat profusely, you won't be too tired, and you can lose weight! So they chose to practice yoga, actually if you feel relaxed, then you are doing nothing. So can yoga really help you lose weight?
Can you lose weight by practicing yoga?
Experts believe that we should dialectically look at the exercise effect of yoga to lose weight.
Yoga is indeed slower to lose weight than vigorous aerobic exercise because it burns relatively few calories, but slow weight loss doesn't mean it's ineffective. Moreover, the advantage of slow weight loss is that even if the exercise is suddenly interrupted, the rebound speed is equally slow, which is not achieved by aerobic weight loss. According to feedback surveys, 60% of those who practice yoga have achieved weight loss through yoga.
Aerobic fitness exercise is strong, can strengthen muscle training, and lose weight naturally quickly, but it is not suitable for the elderly. Yoga is suitable for anyone of any age. In addition to losing weight, it can also change the attitude of life mentally, thereby enhancing the vitality of life.
Nine precautions for yoga weight loss
Note 1: If there is no special need, breathe through the nose throughout the whole process: the nose hair can filter dirty air and harmful bacteria, and can also stabilize the nerves, making the body healthier.
Note 2: Do not eat for an hour before and after practicing yoga: it is the best state to keep three points full on an empty stomach.
Note 3: Do not do yoga for half an hour before and after bathing: too fast blood circulation, too high blood pressure, and too soft muscles can easily hurt the body.
Note 4: It is more important to grasp the slow process of asana and the feeling of moving the whole body than to complete the posture.
Note 5: Focusing on one part of the body not only feels easier to learn, but also works better.
Note 6: If you have left and right postures, remember to do the same number of times on both sides. You cannot do it unilaterally.
Note 7: Don't do only one posture from beginning to end at a time: only doing one posture to treat low back pain will only make the low back pain worse.
Note 8: When the breathing rate is unstable, you can rest in a corpse relaxation style. Reluctantly into another position, not only will not have the effect, but will have the opposite effect.
Note 9: The number of breaths when maintaining the completed pose is limited to your own physical fitness. Beginners can maintain the number of breaths for three to five times and then slowly increase the number of times.
Five weight loss yoga for beginners
Weight Loss Yoga Action 1: Tree Shape
Efficacy: Exercise people's balance ability, help to stretch the muscles of arms, thighs and upper body, and prevent the accumulation of fat in the upper body.
1: Stand naturally with your hands by your sides and your shoulders relaxed.
2: Bend and lift the right knee, place the palm of the right foot on the half of the left thigh or knee, stretch and fold both hands toward the sky, and keep breathing.
3: Keep your legs in motion and put your hands on your chest while exhaling.
Weight Loss Yoga Action 2: Hero Pose
Efficacy: Stretching the upper body can effectively reduce leg fat.
1: The legs are about two shoulder widths apart, the left foot is in front, the right foot is behind, and the toes of the right foot are spread about 60 degrees. Put your hands at your sides.
2: Extend your hands up, fingers together, palms together, and keep breathing.
3: Exhale, bend left knee 90 degrees, thigh parallel to the ground.
Weight Loss Yoga Action 3: Triangle Pose
1: Spread your legs about one and a half shoulder widths apart, the soles of your feet are at a 60-degree angle, and your hands hang down at your sides
2: Raise your arms sideways to your shoulders, inhale, and rock your upper body from side to side.
3: Exhale, straighten your right hand down to touch your ankle, and at the same time straighten your left arm up, look up at the tips of your left fingers. Repeat the same method on the other side.
Weight Loss Yoga Action 4: Boat Pose
1: Sit on the mat, keep your waist straight, legs together, knees bent, feet flat on the ground, hands at your sides.
2: Slightly support the ground with both hands, raise both legs so that the calves are parallel to the ground, the insteps are straight, and the body is slightly tilted back.
3: Lift your hands off the ground, straighten your arms and raise them to be parallel to your shins, palms down.
Weight Loss Yoga Action 5: Crocodile Pose
1: Lie on your back, legs together, back straight, hands open, palms down at your sides.
2: Bend your right knee, lift your right leg, and place the sole of your foot on your left knee while pressing your left hand on the outside of your right knee.
3: Inhale, press your right knee to the ground with your left hand, and turn your head to the right at the same time.