4 things boys should pay attention to in summer


The hot summer is the time when the human body is at its weakest, and this is the time when bacteria grow the most. In such a season, how can we protect our body? Let's take a look at what problems boys need to pay attention to in summer.

What should men pay attention to in summer


Note 1: Do not drink a lot of beer on an empty stomach

In summer, there is a drink that many men prefer, and that is to drink cold beer. When drinking beer, it can help you have an appetizer and cool down, but remember not to drink a lot. Drinking a lot of beer on an empty stomach can cause irritation to the stomach in many people, which is why some men experience abdominal pain and diarrhea after drinking beer.

Another point is that many men think that the alcohol concentration in beer is not high, and often drink it as a beverage. But what I want to tell you today is that if you have this idea, you are wrong. Although the alcohol concentration in beer is not high, if consumed in large quantities, it can increase the alcohol content in the body and seriously damage the liver.

Many men think that the alcohol concentration in beer is not high, so when men drink beer in summer, they must pay attention to controlling the amount, so as not to cause harm to the body, but to achieve the effect of lowering body temperature.


Note 2: Eat more fire-reducing food

Men generally have a hot physique, so in summer, we must pay attention to reducing the fire in the body, so as to better help men maintain their bodies, so some foods must be eaten by male friends.

The first thing I want to introduce to you is barley, mung beans and other foods. You can put these foods in a pot and cook them into porridge or soup, which can not only effectively help everyone cool down the body, but also have many benefits for maintaining the body.


Note 3: Vitamin supplementation

If men are more active in summer, sweating is inevitable, in this case, it will lead to the loss of vitamins in the body. Therefore, men must pay attention to supplementing their body with vitamins in time in summer, so that you can better maintain your own health.

The first is that men should drink some light salt water every morning, which is effective in maintaining body water balance and adding salt to the body. In addition, pay attention to the intake of vitamin B1 and calcium, which is also effective in improving the body's immunity. Especially men, they are always troubled by athlete's foot in summer. In this case, supplementing the body with vitamin B1 can alleviate this from happening.


Note 4: Do not take cold showers

For some men, there is always such a thing in daily life, that is, some men often use cold water to bathe in order to cool down, but I want to tell everyone that for their own health, it is best not to use cold water for bathing in summer.

This is mainly because bathing in cold water does not promote blood flow in the body, but instead makes the skin sensitive. In addition, after taking a bath, I won't feel any coldness at all, but it will become hotter, and my mental state is not particularly good.

Therefore, when bathing in daily life, we must pay attention to washing with hot water. This method can speed up the blood flow in the body and effectively relieve everyone's physical fatigue. This is the best way to cool down in summer.