Climbing stairs helps lose weight


Losing weight has always been the focus of obese people. What do fat people need to do to lose weight? That is, in addition to reducing the amount of food in the diet, you also need to increase the amount of exercise. If these two things are done, weight loss will not be a problem? Those things about climbing stairs to lose weight will make you thinner and more beautiful. Climbing stairs to lose weight is just one of the ways to lose weight, and you can choose according to your own needs.

Can climbing stairs help lose weight?

Climbing stairs to lose weight is the most effective way to reduce thighs and buttocks. The specific exercise process of climbing stairs to lose weight:

Movement Step 1: Calculate the height of the three-story building. There are about 33 steps. For the first two weeks, you can stick to 100 steps, one up and one down. When going up, take two steps and one step, which can stretch the muscles of the buttocks and the back of the thigh. When going down, go down one step at a time, back and forth for about 30 minutes.

Exercise step 2: After two weeks of persistence, slowly increase the number of back and forth stair climbing: start from 120 times, and gradually progress to 130 times, 140 times, and the completion time is about 40 minutes. Friends who want to lose weight must pay attention that the goals set for themselves should not be too high, and should be within the scope of their own abilities.

Exercise Step 3: Do stretching exercises after climbing. When you're done climbing, place your thighs on a higher table and press your legs. 5 minutes each. Stretch your calves, step on the stairs with your toes, and do a tiptoe action, which is a movement of raising your back heel. After a few seconds, you find that your calf is a little tight, then press your back heel for 5 seconds. Stand on tiptoe 20 times and press your foot 20 times.

The correct way to lose weight by climbing stairs

Climbing stairs is a very good aerobic exercise that can effectively exercise the thighs and exercise the whole body. Continuing to climb the stairs will help to achieve a real slimming effect. However, people of different ages should pay attention to the different ways of climbing stairs and exercise time, and should not exercise blindly.

Method 1: Middle-aged and elderly people should not exercise vigorously. Osteoporosis in middle-aged and elderly people puts a lot of pressure on the knee joint. So you can take the stairs slowly at the beginning, and stop exercising immediately if you find discomfort. Note that people with old knee injuries try not to climb stairs.

Method 2: The posture of climbing stairs to lose weight should be correct. When climbing stairs, you must lean forward slightly and swing your hands to enhance the strength of the muscles and ligaments of the lower limbs, maintain the flexibility of the lower foot joints, and enhance the function of the internal organs.

Method 3: Specific scheme for climbing stairs. When the right foot steps on the step, the left foot touches the ground. Squat down slightly with your knees bent, not over your toes. Two steps a step, weight on the right foot, support the weight of the body, lift the left foot to the outside, and maintain the highest point. After 5 seconds, switch feet and do the same. Just started to walk one step, after getting used to it, do 2 Step exercise, the effect will be better, 30 minutes each time, 4 times a day.

The benefits of climbing stairs

Regular stair climbing exercises can enhance the functions of the human respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and skeletal muscle system, and prevent some common chronic diseases in middle-aged and elderly people.

Benefit 1: Because when climbing stairs, the lower back and lower limbs keep moving, the muscles and ligaments of the body parts are strengthened, which can improve the joints and improve the flexibility of the joints.

Benefit 2: When climbing stairs, with the acceleration of breathing, muscles contract and relax, blood circulation is accelerated, metabolism is promoted, myocardial oxygen supply is increased, and cardiopulmonary function is enhanced.

Benefit 3: Climbing stairs can increase the level of high-density lipoprotein in the blood and help prevent atherosclerosis. It is worth noting that the knee joint should be warmed up before climbing stairs to avoid knee joint incoordination.

If you experience chest tightness, palpitations, or joint pain while climbing stairs, stop exercising immediately. In addition, usually do exercises such as squatting and standing up, so that the joints can get sufficient movement and prevent the legs from being stiff and stiff when climbing stairs.