10 manifestations of excessive psychological stress


If you have been under a lot of psychological pressure, you may feel like you are not yourself, like a tired body. When you're thinking "I'm going to die from this stress," chances are you're not looking for ways to relieve the pain, you're just living with it. But doing so will only have long-term negative effects on your mind and body.
To overcome psychological pressure, we must first understand psychological pressure. There are ten manifestations of excessive psychological stress:
1. Fatigue
If you get enough sleep at night but still struggle to get out of bed each day, you are most likely suffering from clinical fatigue. Experts say: "Psychological stress is like a drain on energy because stress can overwork your body."
If your bodily functions feel overworked, even a good night's sleep won't keep you energized the next day. In life, we need to take action to relieve mental stress so your body can function properly.
2. Can't fall asleep
Ironically, even if you're too tired to speak, the more stressed you are, the worse your ability to sleep. Stress-related insomnia mostly comes from your inability to stop thinking, which means your body is in "overworked mode" all the time. Of course, you'll be more tired the next day by not being able to sleep, which will only increase your stress load.
3. Always sick
Obviously, if you have a sleep disorder, disease will follow. During times of stress, the body is so overworked that there is no time to actually recover from the disease that creeps into you.
People's immune systems drop during periods of severe psychological stress, study finds 30%. A day of "mental health leave" is a euphemism for "not working," but sometimes it takes a day to keep your mind and body healthy.
4. Forgetfulness
Too much mental stress is mainly because you have to do too many things at once. With major work and life responsibilities looming, it can be hard to settle all the little things.
If you keep forgetting where your keys are, or frequently forget appointments and meetings, chances are your stress has reached its limit. Don't let yourself go at this time and seek help if necessary.
5. Chronic headache and body pain
As I said above, with too much psychological stress, your body can go into high blood pressure mode. The resulting fatigue not only affects your concentration, but also causes physical fatigue. Your body naturally develops an "attack or flight" response that stems largely from predator avoidance in early humans.
Today, instead of worrying about being attacked by a lion or bear, our bodies respond to work and other life stressors. Why do you think a shoulder massage is soothing after a long day at work? because your body is in the past Been in high tension for 8 hours, dealing with heavy workload.
6. Decreased libido
When you're stressed out and have a lot to think about, your libido drops. This can make you feel depressed and wish you had more sex. But when the opportunity arises and you find yourself unable to concentrate, or uninterested, you can reduce stress by exercising regularly.
7. Excessive emotionality
"When you're stressed, the brain stem—the most primitive part of the brain—governs your emotions, and the part that expects the results becomes blurred," experts say. This explains why stress can make us Cry over things that can't be changed, or get angry when someone whistles at you.
Remember when you used to stay up late or giggle when you were a kid? Likewise, your body is overworked and fatigued, and even the smallest things can irritate you, even when you act like a fool. As an adult, it's not good to give someone the middle finger just because someone accidentally bumped into them on the subway.
8. Difficulty in digestion
A sudden bout of nausea when you enter a workplace parking lot is a direct reflection of your stress today. But it's not a simple stomach reaction, and the digestive problems it causes can lead to vomiting or other problems.
9. Feeling dizzy
Everyone knows that when mental stress is overwhelming, take a deep breath and relax, right? When you're nervous and scared, this can trigger your breathing signal. Instinct aside, short breaths can trigger a lack of oxygen, which can lead to dizziness, tremors, and even loss of consciousness. Don't hold back when stress is at its peak, and when your body and mind are seriously hurt, try to take control of the situation.
10. Dependence on alcohol/drugs
After a hard day's work, maybe you just want to go home and watch TV and have a cold beer. A beer or two at home is fine, of course, but relying on beer to unwind is not so appropriate. When you wake up the next morning, you may be more nervous than the night before. If one day you find yourself becoming more and more dependent on drugs or alcohol for stress relief, it's time to seek help immediately.