How to feed tarantulas?


Most of today's pet spiders are tarantulas, which generally need to be raised in coconut soil, because most of these tarantulas come from tropical rain forests and require high humidity to raise. Coconut soil has a good function of preserving water, and tarantulas are more likely to survive.

Tarantulas can grow up to ten centimeters as adults. But when they were larvae, they were about the size of a finger. The smallest tarantula larvae on the market are all 3L in size. 3L means the spider peels 3 times. Spiders molt many times in their lives. Every time a tarantula sheds its skin, it's like being reborn. During molting, tarantulas are very fragile and cannot be touched or startled. 3L size spiders have a higher survival rate.

What tools should be prepared for raising tarantulas?

The supplies for raising tarantulas are usually given when you buy spiders, which are probably a small square box, tweezers, a small bag of coconut soil and a small bag for spiders. Generally, after getting the tarantula, put the coconut soil into a small square box, drive the tarantula into the small square box with tweezers, and cover the lid.

The coconut soil must be wet. Tarantulas need high humidity, keep a certain amount of humidity, and don't let the tarantulas step in the mud. It is probably a state where the soil can be kneaded into a ball, but the water cannot squeeze it out. You need to pay attention to adding water regularly, otherwise the tarantula will dry up and die, and the tarantula will absorb water from the soil, so there is no need to put a water basin.

Tarantulas do not need sunlight. Rainforests are full of trees, and the creatures below can't see the light at all, so tarantulas should be kept in a shady spot so the sun doesn't kill them.

What are the foods for raising tarantulas?

1. Mealworms

Food is a very important point. Tarantulas are carnivores and only eat meat, so to keep tarantulas, you have to feed them bugs.

Tarantulas feed on mealworms and various cockroaches. Mealworms are rich in nutrients. Just find a bucket, put the mealworms in it, put a lot of corn flour in the bucket, and bury the mealworms.

Mealworms don't die, they eat cornmeal, but they don't grow very fast, so throw in some leftover fruit and rotten leaves or something, and mealworms eat everything.

Some people threw the dead turtle into a heap of mealworms, trying to get a specimen of the turtle shell, but even the shell was eaten by the mealworms. Although mealworms eat everything, they are afraid of water and cannot eat food eaten by humans, which is too salty for them.

Mealworms are divided into adults and larvae. Adult beetles are small black beetles. Tarantulas do not eat adult worms. Adult worms are also divided into males and females, which mate and lay eggs. Separating adults and larvae isn't too much of a hassle, just toss a few leaves in the worm pile and let the mealworms lay their eggs on it.

2. Dubia Cockroach

There are two main types of cockroaches: Dubia cockroaches are slow, do not climb walls, and have no smell, but they burrow into the soil. If cockroaches burrow into the soil, when the tarantula peels, they will come out and bite the tarantula, the tarantula may die, and the mealworm will also burrow into the soil, and the mealworm has also killed the tarantula many times. precedent.

Therefore, when feeding Dubia cockroaches and mealworms, the heads of mealworms are usually crushed with tweezers, and then put in. Dubia cockroaches are large in size, and move slowly and reproduce slowly.

3. Cherry Cockroach

There is also a kind of cherry cockroach, which is fast, does not climb walls, does not dig soil, is drought tolerant, has strong vitality, and has strong reproduction. During the peak breeding season in summer, several small cockroaches are born a day, but they are born quickly and die quickly.

Cherry cockroaches are a powerful appetizer, as running fast can easily provoke a tarantula's appetite for predation. Generally speaking, cherry cockroaches are used to shoot prey videos for tarantulas. Feeding cherry cockroaches saves effort, just put the cockroaches in the spider box. If it doesn't eat, it means that it is not hungry, and it will eat when it is hungry. Cherry cockroaches have no record of killing tarantulas.

4. Other Cockroaches

The remaining cockroaches also have German cockroaches, but Dubia and cherries are raised by special sellers, which are very convenient to buy.

Plus, mealworms are so nutritious. Feeding only mealworms will cause the tarantula to have very large buttocks, making the tarantula look ugly. The nutrition of cockroaches is not so high. Generally, the main food of tarantula is to feed cockroaches, and then feed mealworms to supplement nutrition after peeling.