What physical symptoms can mental illness cause?


We often think that mental illness only affects thinking and psychology. In fact, if there is a psychological problem, it will not only be reflected in thinking and psychology, but also in the body. The following summarizes 11 physical problems caused by mental illness. question.
Mental Illness 1. Physical Symptoms Fatigue: We talk about the unity of body and mind. Physical symptoms are often a reflection of psychological problems. The physical symptoms of many non-organic diseases are caused by psychological causes. Physical symptoms are often caused by extreme depression and hopelessness about life, loss of purpose and direction in life, and feelings of insecurity.
Mental illness 2. Physical symptoms Tight and stiff shoulders: Something is not what you want, there is an emotional conflict in your heart, or because your life is too stressful, or you feel guilty about some of your past actions. Alexander Dr. Lowen also has a related statement in "Human Dynamics and Character Structure", sagging shoulders indicate inner depression, shrugging is related to fear, and bent shoulders are a response to heavy mental burden.
Mental illness 3. Physiological symptoms of indigestion: Most of them are not organic, but functional, so they are related to emotions, unable to accept reality, irritable, stubborn and stubborn about their own situation, unable to let go ,Depression. Believe in life, face life with peace of mind, and let life be as free as possible.
Mental illness 4. Pain from physical symptoms: Mental and emotional imbalances are caused, muscle pain is caused by mental anger that cannot be vented, physical tension is caused by psychological reasons, headache is caused by inner pain, because unwillingness Expressing or not expressing, then reluctantly accepting bad emotions, withdrawing, escaping the manifestations of the real world, there is another kind of life that seeks rational, reasonable, accessible, and the pain of chasing uncertain results, which often happens in the heart Narrow, self-serving, stubborn, willful crowd, relax and have their own rational judgments about what is going on.
Mental Illness 5. Migraine Type: Transforming the theme of the body into the head and trying to realize that theme at this level, one of which is manifested in a lack of sexual satisfaction.
Mental illness 6. Anorexia: The result of the patient’s not being accepted by others, trying to make emptiness disappear like this is a manifestation of spiritual self-satisfaction, one is anorexia nervosa: excessive ascetic thoughts, rejection All material and physical needs, the goal is chastity and spirituality, and I have a great desire for life, but I use anorexia to eradicate the greed and desire that I think should not be there, I can't find the balance of happiness, I need to be honest with myself , accepting one's own greed, pornography, egocentricity, and femininity, unlike habitual anorexia. Habitual anorexia is dieting for various reasons. After a long time, a habitual conditioned reflex is formed and the interest in food is lost.
Mental illness 7. Bulimia: Mostly it is a manifestation of not getting the attention of people around or being neglected, using food to satisfy oneself, filling the emptiness in the heart or loneliness after success, or another kind of desire for love Satisfaction in form, manifested physically as cravings for sweets and delicacies. Difference from compulsive eating: Compulsive eating is the inability to treat love at the conscious level, it can only be practiced through the body, looking for love, affirmation and encouragement on the wrong level.
Mental illness 8. Vomiting disorder, bulimia: Patients subjectively want to vent and prove their thoughts are wrong, denying themselves and the joy of life, which is a manifestation of lack of care in life, expressing resistance and disapproval accept.
Mental illness 9. Stuttering: In the process of growing up, people around you were too authoritative and critical, worried about expressing yourself subjectively, being vague, unable to express your needs completely and freely, avoiding the subconscious into the conscious, leading to fear and nervous. The throat is tight, the childhood is depressed, and I dare not vent my inner pressure and avoid speaking my inner words directly. In the later stage, it is the problem of psychological factors conditioning.
Mental illness 10. Motor dysfunction, writing spasticity: If you want to appear confident, it is a lack of confidence inside. Seeing things in a "distorted" and "distorted" way is a false way of expressing yourself.
Mental illness 11. Sexual disorders: Various fears about yourself, your partner, and sex are the most fundamental reasons. Feminine apathy is when women are not ready to give themselves, want to "be the master," unwilling to obey and at a disadvantage, and can also be due to persistent inappropriate thoughts about sex, or a lack of love and acceptance for one another. Male impotence, excluding physical factors, psychological inferiority due to lack of power and dominance, lack of confidence in one's masculinity and aggression, excessive stress, fear of women, or feelings of guilt, confusion, fear of loss, patients may also have individualized causes For example some life experiences or cognitive biases.