8 ways to control appetite and lose weight


Appetite control is an art, especially for those who want to lose weight, so how to better control it? I hope today's content can bring you some help.


Appetite control method 1: eat with small bowls

Appetite control is not to stop people from eating, but to use some methods to reduce the amount of food we eat, we eat in large bowls every day and naturally eat more, if we change to small bowls, we start to feel uncomfortable, not full, slow The slower you get used to this rhythm, the less you eat.

Appetite control Method 2: changing eating habits

We usually eat three meals a day, in order to control our appetite, we can change to eat more meals a day, as long as you are hungry, you can eat, which can not only ensure the nutritional needs of the body, but also reduce hunger, and also Appetite can be well controlled. Although the total calorie intake has not been reduced, an appropriate single intake can be controlled to increase satiety while satisfying the stomach.

Appetite control Method 3: Eat slowly

No matter what we eat, whether it tastes good or not, we try to slow down the speed of eating, increase the residence time of the food in the mouth, and chew it thoroughly. It can fully feel the taste of food in the mouth, and it is also conducive to digestion after entering the stomach.


Appetite control Method 4: Eat healthy food

Eat more healthy foods during weight loss, such as apples, tomatoes, etc., to diversify your diet and reduce desserts, drinks, etc., especially some fried foods, which are particularly high in calories, which are easy to cause fat accumulation, stimulate appetite and make you eat more and more .

Appetite control Method 5: drinking tea

During the appetite control period, we can develop the habit of drinking tea, we don’t need to choose which one, any taste you like is fine, according to your own taste, you can drink it every day, soak it slowly, drink it slowly, it can be Effective appetite reduction.

It can be improved occasionally. Many people will feel uncomfortable when controlling their appetite, especially those who are used to eating high-sweet and high-calorie foods. Sudden fasting is very uncomfortable. In fact, there is no need to change it deliberately.

Appetite control Method 6: Divert attention

Many people, especially female friends, want to find something to eat when they have nothing to do. Eating can ease feelings of loneliness and emptiness. If you want to control your appetite, you should try to keep yourself busy, whether it is work or study, immersing yourself in it will reduce the desire and time to eat.

Appetite control Method 7: Don’t be afraid of waste

When we cook a table of dishes every day, we always feel that not only is it too wasteful to eat, but we increase the amount of food we eat, but if you want to control your appetite and lose weight, don’t be afraid of waste. Overnight dishes are inherently bad for your health, and if you want to lose weight, it's not a pity to throw them away.

Appetite control Method 8: Change your mindset

Losing weight is a constant battle, not something that can be achieved in a day or two. Therefore, you must be prepared for a long time. You must have a firm belief in losing weight, give yourself more encouragement and motivation to persevere, and don't give up halfway.


Improve sleep habits. The current high-rhythm working state has made many people develop the habit of staying up late, but during the period of appetite control, staying up late will directly affect the weight loss effect, so it is necessary to adjust the sleep time, stop eating after 20 o'clock in the evening, and go to bed directly after brushing your teeth When you sleep, you will naturally not want to eat when you fall asleep.