What items should you do to lose weight in fitness


What should I do in the gym to lose weight? There are many friends who want to lose weight want to know this question. For those who need to lose weight, it is very necessary to do more physical exercise. For people with conditions, going to the gym to exercise to lose weight can often have a multiplier effect. However, for those who need to lose weight and lose fat, what should go to the gym to lose weight?


What items should I practice in the gym to lose weight

Going to the gym to lose weight requires both anaerobic exercise and aerobic exercise.

Gym fat loss exercise, first and foremost muscle building exercise. Exercising muscles through various fixed fitness equipment in the gym, increasing muscle mass and increasing muscle ratio, can increase the metabolic rate and promote fat burning. The second is aerobic exercise, that is, using treadmills, climbing machines, stair machines, bicycles, rowing machines, etc. to train in the gym. Exercise for at least 30 minutes each time to achieve the effect of burning fat. The last is circuit training weight loss method, aerobic exercise and muscle building exercise alternately to lose weight.

In addition, warm yoga can stimulate the muscles that have never been used, strengthen the function of the entire visceral system, and increase the rate of fat burning. Spinning bikes are also very effective in reducing fat and shaping. In addition to our bicycle trips, skipping rope not only takes less time and consumes more energy, but also enhances cardiopulmonary function. Jumping for 1 hour can consume about 600 calories. Swimming is a full-body exercise, and the gentle currents protect the joints well. Swimming can burn 600 calories for 1 hour. The biggest advantage of aerobic combat is that it allows you to move all the time and move your whole body. Practicing once a week can significantly increase your metabolic rate, allowing you to lose weight unknowingly.


In addition to exercise, these methods can also help you "scrape oil"

Many people lose weight and have to eat. After eating, I was worried that there was too much oil and salt, so I rinsed the food in water. Does this method really work? Does rinsing with water really remove the oil and salt? Does this diet really help with weight loss?

Never underestimate the importance of chefs. Foods contain far more oil than you might think, and vegetables are higher in oil compared to meat. If you want to lose fat, it is not a good way to rinse oil before you eat, whether you use water, oil-absorbing paper or wine.

What to pay attention to in diet during weight loss

Control staple foods and limit pure sugar and sweets. If the original food intake is large, three meals a day can reduce the staple food by 50 grams. Gradually control the staple food to around 250-300 grams per day. Chew slowly and develop the habit of being full. Foods with excessive starch content and very sweet, such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, lotus root starch, almond tea, jam, honey, candy, candied fruit, malted milk, fruit juice, etc., should be used sparingly or not. The staple food is preferably a mixture of whole grains and refined grains.

Reduce calorie supply, resulting in a negative balance of calorie supply and demand, and gradually reduce caloric intake to 60%-70% of normal requirements. Under the strict supervision of doctors, extremely obese people should take a low-calorie diet from the beginning. The weight loss rate is generally 2-3 kilograms per month. Losing weight too fast will cause adverse physiological reactions.