The 6 stages that couples must go through


Love is like the change of cells, it has its own cycle. Many people say why love doesn't always go well. Actually, you don't know that this is the stage that love has to go through, and if you can hold on to the past, it could be a new dawn.

Let's talk about the six stages that couples must go through

1. Passion period

In the first three months of love, it must be a passionate period, which is called the passionate love period. During this period, both sides of the couple see each other's points, are willing to spend time with each other, and put each other first in everything.

During this period, couples can basically tolerate each other no matter what the other party does, and will infinitely expand their advantages and selectively ignore their shortcomings. During this period, most couples do not break up and give many promises. However, this stage is beautiful, so it is often easy to feel uncomfortable in the later stages.

Therefore, in the passion period, I hope everyone still maintains a little sense of reason, especially it is not recommended to get married at this stage.

2. Cold period

At this stage, everyone is having a hard time, men feel that women are troublesome, why are they so insecure, why they have to be in touch every day; while women feel that men have changed, they were so enthusiastic before, but now they suddenly disappear. Couples do not understand each other, doubt each other and hurt each other.

The cold period is a test of how couples get along, and couples need to understand, adapt, tolerate and communicate.

3. The peak period of the quarrel

The cold period and the peak period of the quarrel are practically inseparable, and many couples quarrel during the lukewarm period. A friend said that she and her boyfriend had the most quarrels for about half a year.

After that, couples can't recall the reason for the quarrel at all, and it's impossible for all couples to avoid this stage. Everyone needs to solve problems in the quarrel and adapt to each other in the quarrel. In reality, no couple is intrinsically suitable. Because everyone is not perfect, couples have to live together to get better and better.

Therefore, couples are not afraid of quarrels or conflicts. It is not just for quarrels. In every quarrel, couples must have a problem-solving attitude, so that they can get out of this stage and keep their relationship sublimated and stable.

4. Breakup peak period

At the peak of the quarrel, couples will have two extremes, one is getting better and the other is breaking up.

Arguments and conflicts are not terrible, but what worries most is that many couples do not know why they are arguing. Many girls are just angry, but their boyfriends don't know why. Many boys always feel that their girlfriends don't understand them, but they are reluctant to speak their minds.

This couple is not destined to stay together for long. Because neither of them wants to get along well with each other. A willing couple must communicate their inner thoughts to the other, solve problems, and communicate honestly.

So, at this stage, whether the relationship is still sweet or not depends on how. Sometimes you can be capricious, but couples must let go of their pride. After all, it's not easy to meet the right person.

5. Stable period

Couples who believe that they can survive the peak of their breakup are definitely in a new phase of their relationship. The couple in this period has passed the stage of not seeing the shortcomings because of impulse, and slowly began to understand his strengths and weaknesses, and have accepted it.

At this time, there is a sense of security, trust, and mutual adaptation. Couples in this period can start holding hands and move forward.

Of course, at this stage it is not that there are no contradictions and no disputes. At this stage, both people become more forgiving and don't lose their temper over small things.  

Most couples find this phase the most comfortable, not suffering, and still maintaining their love. Hope all couples reach this stage.

6. Cannot leave the other party

80% of couples in the world will eventually break up, and only 20% can reach this stage, when couples can join hands and enter the palace of marriage.

At this stage, the couple is still arguing, still angry, and still has some things they are not used to, but the couple was still sweet before.

It is believed that many couples enter the third or fourth stage and it is over. Sometimes because of fate, but sometimes because of our pride, self-esteem and unwillingness to communicate.