Emotional needs of men and women in love


Both men and women share six basic emotional needs that are equally important. Often, what a man needs most is trust, acceptance, appreciation, admiration, approval, and encouragement. And what women desire most is love, understanding, respect, loyalty, thoughtfulness and comfort. If you can understand these twelve kinds of love needs, you can thoroughly understand each other's psychology and truly meet each other's needs.

1. Women need love, men need trust

A man shows his admiration for a woman, his demeanor shows concern and cherishment for a woman, and a woman's basic needs are met. A woman feels cherished and cared for, she feels unique and unparalleled in the eyes of a man. Naturally, the love that grows in her heart will make her trust men more and be more willing to accept them.

A man can feel a woman's love only when the woman fully accepts the man, rather than trying to transform. When a woman shows confidence in a man, it greatly inspires a man and unleashes his potential. At this time, the man's first emotional needs are met, so the man cares more about and loves the woman, and does his best to bring her more happiness.


2. Women need to understand, men need to accept

If a man can listen to a woman's voice without making judgments, be considerate of a woman's heart and feelings, and give understanding and sympathy, a woman's secondary emotional needs will be met. The more a man understands a woman's desire to be heard and understood, the more he will gain acceptance from a woman.

If a woman never tries to change her partner, but accepts him as he is, a man can feel her love. Men realize that even if he has flaws, women can still tolerate him and accept him. When a man feels loved, he is more willing to meet a woman's needs and more willing to listen to a woman's voice.

3. Women need respect, men need appreciation

If a man can make sure that he puts the woman first in everything and her rights, desires and needs first, then the woman can feel the respect of the man and especially appreciate the thoughtfulness of the man. For example, women like gifts from men. Gifts, no matter how big or small, are extremely precious in her eyes. Gifts can convey a man's unwavering love and satisfy her third love need - a man's respect.


4. Women need loyalty, men need worship

A man prioritising a woman's needs and doing what he can to bring her happiness and joy means her fourth emotional need is being met. Moisturized by the rain of love, women are full of energy and radiant. She will give men more love.

Just as women hope to gain the loyalty of men, men also desire to gain the admiration and admiration of women, and hope that their image in the eyes of women is tall and powerful, full of masculinity. If a man feels that he brings happiness to a woman, he will feel proud and proud. Men's virtues, including humor, strength, persistence, integrity, honesty, romance, kindness, gentleness, and thoughtfulness, are all worthy of praise from women. The adoration of a woman is a booster for a man, and he will go to great lengths to bring greater rewards to women.

5. Women need comfort, men need encouragement

A woman's need for comfort is met when a man continually expresses love, understanding, support, and comfort to a woman, and when he expresses his love for a woman with action.

When a man encounters difficulties and setbacks, he will close himself to face it alone, and at this time, the encouragement of women will make men more motivated and high-spirited.


6. Women need to be considerate, men need recognition

Women long for men to understand and accept their various thoughts and emotions in order to experience a man's love. Men hope that women will feel their unconditional support and understanding, so that women can bathe in the happiness of love, and finally return the recognition of men.

Deep down in his heart, every man aspires to be a hero in a woman's life. Wearing golden armor, he cut through thorns and thorns for a woman, fulfilled her wish, and brought her happiness. A man can be recognized by a woman, indicating that a man has advantages and qualities, and is worthy of a woman's love. When a man is recognized by a woman, he will add infinite power and give more for the woman. Women must also remember that a man's approval does not mean submissiveness to him.