Fitness methods to gain muscle and lose fat


The core of fitness, muscle gain and fat loss = training + nutrition + rest. Fitness, muscle gain and fat loss, fitness, muscle gain and fat loss is not about sharing a few abdominal muscles, biceps and other body parts according to the guidance of which coach, as well as fat-burning exercises hiIT and fat-burning exercises. Before exercising, you have to do it according to your needs Whether you want to gain muscle or lose fat or gain muscle and lose fat, you need to train at the same time.

Fitness and muscle building method 1: training.

Without corresponding fitness training, there would be no unicorn arm, vest line, eight-pack abs, square pectoral muscles, inverted deltoid back muscles, and so on.

The growth of muscles in various parts is a process in which the muscle fibers are torn and recovered by repeated stimulation of the muscles. Because everyone's usual exercise and fitness intensity is not enough, the muscle fibers will not be torn and reorganized, and the muscles will always maintain the status quo. Slowly, the muscles will atrophy, and over time, sarcopenia or muscle atrophy will appear. Just like the road, it becomes loose without stress. Therefore, we must exercise the muscles at the appropriate intensity, stimulate, polish and squeeze our muscles through the corresponding fitness training, so that the muscles will be full of shape.

During high-intensity strength training exercises (dumbbells, barbells, etc., or bodyweight training such as prisoner fitness), our nervous system controls the repetitive contraction and stimulation of muscle fibers. Under such stimulation, muscle fibers will be damaged, torn, reorganized and enlarged. Burn a lot of fat through fitness training.

Fitness and muscle building Method 2: Eat. If you don't eat well, practice in vain

After fitness training, muscle fibers are destroyed and regenerated, and the body's metabolism is accelerated, requiring a lot of energy to replenish. If you don't keep up with nutrition at this time, your muscles will fail if they can't get energy supplements. Proteins, rare elements, fats, minerals and other nutrients can promote the self-repair of muscle fiber cells, and the repaired muscle volume will be larger than the original.

In the process of building muscle, how to obtain a series of nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, cellulose, etc. from food. It is a fitness method that every fitness expert must master.

Which foods can supplement various nutrients?

Protein supplements: Skim milk, whey protein powder, lean beef, chicken breast, fish, egg whites, cheese, beans, etc.

Carbohydrate supplements: Sweet potatoes, potatoes, various pasta, sweet potatoes, rice, whole wheat bread, oats, corn, etc.

Beneficial Fat Supplements: Almonds, Peanuts, Egg Yolks, Sunflower Seeds, Flax Seeds, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil.

Dietary fiber: Sweet potato, oat, taro, etc.

Next is water: Insufficient water supply can also hinder the growth and development of muscles. It is good to drink 8 glasses of water a day, about 1.5-2 liters, and replenish water evenly throughout the day. It is also a small skill to replenish water during fitness exercise, but do not drink a lot.

Fitness and muscle building Method 3: Rest. Combining work and rest

The first is sleep and rest. Muscle repair and growth must take place during rest periods, much of which occurs during sleep hours. When you're resting and sleeping, nutrients travel through capillaries and body fluids into your damaged cells and muscle fibers and begin to repair them. Muscle repair and growth is at its peak when you sleep and rest.

Therefore, in your fitness program, you should plan a reasonable amount of sleep. Otherwise, the body will become more and more tired, resulting in a decline in fitness effect and serious impact on physical health. It's best to make sure you get 8 hours of sleep a day, with a minimum of 5 hours.

The second is the rest during the exercise. It is best not to exercise 7 days a week, at least one day off. The interval between each exercise is generally 30-60 seconds, with a maximum of 3 minutes.