Symptoms of neonatal meningitis


With the widespread use of antibiotics, the incidence of meningitis worldwide has gradually declined. However, because the immune function of the newborn has not been fully developed and the body's resistance is generally weak, the incidence of neonatal meningitis is still possible. Therefore, mothers-to-be and fathers-to-be have a proper understanding of the etiology, symptoms and treatment methods of neonatal meningitis, which is of great benefit to timely detection of the disease and appropriate treatment, and also to reduce meningitis to a greater extent. Hazards to the health of newborns.
Causes of meningitis
Bacterial meningitis
Reason 1: Bacterial meningitis is caused by a certain bacterial infection. There are 3 types, namely Haemophilus influenzae type B (HiB), Neisseria meningitidis (Dipococcus) and Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumococcus). About 80% of infections in the United States are bacterial meningitis. Usually a small number of healthy people will carry these germs on the nose or body without causing harm to the human body. He spreads it through coughing or sneezing. Some studies have shown that people are most susceptible to bacteria when they have a cold, because an inflamed nose makes it extremely easy for bacteria to enter the brain.
Cause 2: Tuberculous meningitis. Nonsuppurative inflammation of the meninges caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which accounts for about 6% of systemic tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection is caused by blood dissemination, which then seed to form tuberculosis nodules under the pia mater. After the nodule ruptured, a large number of tuberculosis bacteria entered the subarachnoid space. In recent years, the morbidity and mortality of tuberculous meningitis have been on the rise. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve outcomes and reduce mortality.
Viral meningitis
Cause 3: Viral meningitis. Mainly some enteric respiratory viruses, such as Coxsackie virus (a virus that causes respiratory diseases, etc.), and viruses that cause hand, foot and mouth disease. Herpes simplex can also cause meningitis.
Other types
Cause 4: Cryptococcal meningitis. Meningitis can also be caused by fungi, most commonly Cryptococcus, which can be found in pigeons. Healthy people are less susceptible to fungal-related meningitis, but not people infected with HIV, a human immunodeficiency virus that can cause AIDS.
Both viral and bacterial meningitis can be spread through direct contact with a sick person's nasal and throat secretions, and even healthy, asymptomatic people can carry these bacteria in their nose and throat. Viral meningitis can also be spread by the oral and fecal routes.
What are the symptoms of meningitis
Meningitis is an infection of the fragile meninges or meninges (the membrane between the skull and the brain). Children two to three months old can develop neonatal meningitis, a bacterial or viral infection that can be fatal to them. In older children, meningitis caused by a virus is not as severe and does not last as long, about ten days. But bacteria can be very serious.
High fever (40°C), stiff neck, severe headache, loss of appetite, confusion, vomiting, convulsions, lethargy, drowsiness, sensitivity to light, small blood spots on the skin, rash (especially in the armpits, hands and feet) location), these meningitis have similar symptoms to colds and are often the cause of misdiagnosis. Changes in symptoms can occur within one to two days, and some can be life-threatening within hours.
In infants and newborns, high fever, headache, and neck stiffness are not typical symptoms, and hypothermia sometimes occurs. Symptoms in this group of patients include: high-pitched, persistent crying, unusual lethargy, loss of appetite, extreme sensitivity, and some swelling of their chimney doors.
In older adults, the above symptoms may or may not appear, but latent symptoms such as coma and slowed movement may be present. Severe bacterial meningitis can also cause shock, coma, or convulsions (eg, seizures).
How to treat meningitis
Treatment for most meningitis is hospitalization and medication. Depending on the common type of meningitis, the following treatments are further explained:
Method 1: Bacterial meningitis
(1) Doctors generally use antibiotics for treatment (intravenous infusion, oral administration); doctors will give different antibiotics to sterilize the bacteria according to the different types of bacteria cultured in the cerebrospinal fluid. Give broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy.
(2) In addition to the appropriate use of antibiotics, doctors will also give drugs to lower brain pressure and reduce inflammation according to the patient's condition, and will also give drugs to control fever symptoms.
Method 2: Viral meningitis
Generally, the inflammation and symptoms of viral meningitis are relatively mild, and the treatment methods are mainly to relieve and control the symptoms, such as drugs to lower brain pressure, antipyretic drugs, drugs to reduce inflammation, etc., to relieve the symptoms of patients, usually within a few days to one Symptoms will disappear in about a week, leaving less sequelae.