6 Symptoms of Depression


Some people with depression are suicidal, so why do people with depression want to kill themselves? In fact, we can only find a concrete answer to this question if we fully understand the symptoms of depression. So let's take a look at what the symptoms of depression are.
What are the symptoms of depression?
The main symptoms mentioned here are the external manifestations of depression. Clinical experience tells us that depression is always manifested by one or more major symptoms. Due to educational and intellectual constraints, some people with depression cannot directly describe their emotions, and when asked about the main symptoms, the main symptoms of depression are sometimes even more important than depression from these perspectives.
6 symptoms of depression:
1. There is a marked decline in daily interest. This is usually obvious if the patient is initially a person with a wide range of interests. For those who are stereotyped and monotonous, symptoms can be difficult to pin down. However, it is possible to talk to patients about what they find in their day-to-day or day-to-day work. When a housewife suffers from depression, she often does not like to do housework and child care, and even feels burdened, which is completely different from her experience before her illness.
2. A feeling of hopelessness. Every normal person has hopes, expectations, and even a strong desire for something in the future. People with depression lose this feeling, and for them the future is dark and there is no bright future. Serious people feel hopeless, personal everything is terrible, irreversible, and even think that the future of mankind is hopeless.
3. A sense of helplessness. A depressed person feels like he is in a state of helplessness, like falling to the bottom of an ocean or an abyss, unable to extricate himself, and no one can save him or help him. A patient told the doctor that he was very grateful to the doctor for his kindness and efforts, but to no avail, which made him feel ashamed and guilty.
4. Loss of enthusiasm and motivation. Depressed people feel powerless, as if the fountain of life has dried up. Doesn't want to do anything, has no motivation at all, even if he does something reluctantly, he finds it difficult, in fact, he can't do anything well. Sometimes patients think they're going to recover, but they can't. The patient feels painfully as if his "root" is broken. The patient complains of poor memory, can't remember anything, completely lost the ability to think, can't even think, and feels empty.
5. Loss of self-esteem and self-confidence, self-evaluation of patients with depression decreased significantly. The patient thinks that he knows nothing and cannot do anything. Serious people have a concept of self-blame, looking back and feeling both useless and guilty.
6. Feeling that life has no meaning. People with depression don't just feel that an activity is meaningless, but everything in life is meaningless, and life itself is meaningless. Patients often have thoughts of death and even suicidal plans and actions.
11 manifestations of depression:
1. The degree of depression varies, ranging from mild emotional disorders to sadness, pessimism, and despair. Patients feel heavy, life is boring, unhappy, life is like a year, the pain is unbearable, and they cannot extricate themselves. Some patients may also appear anxious, easily excited, and nervous. disturbed.
2. Loss of interest is one of the common symptoms of depression. Loss of enthusiasm and fun in life and work, lack of interest in everything, unable to experience family happiness, disdain for past hobbies, often living alone, alienating relatives and friends, avoiding social interaction, patients often complain of "no feelings", "Emotional numbness" and "unhappy".
3. Lack of energy, fatigue, weakness, it is very difficult to do small things such as washing and dressing in life. Patients often use "mental breakdown" and "deflated balloon" to describe their condition.
4. Low self-evaluation: Patients often devalue their abilities too much, view their present, past and future with a critical and negative attitude, feel that they are not good anywhere, say they are useless, and the future is dark and strong self-esteem. Responsibility, guilt, sense of worthlessness, helplessness, self-blame when serious, hypochondriasis concept.
5. Patients showed obvious, persistent, generalized depression, inattention, memory loss, brain retardation, thinking disorder, slow action, but some patients showed restlessness, anxiety, tension and agitation.
6. Negative and pessimistic: The heart is very painful, pessimistic, and hopeless, feeling that life is a burden, not worth nostalgic, and seeking solutions with death can lead to strong suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
7. Physiological or biological symptoms: Physiological symptoms such as loss of appetite, weight loss, sleep disturbance, sexual dysfunction, and circadian mood swings are common in depressed patients, but not in all cases.
8. Loss of appetite and weight loss: Most patients have a loss of appetite, delicious food is no longer attractive, patients do not want to eat or can not eat taste, often accompanied by weight loss.
9. Sexual dysfunction: Loss of libido may occur in the early stage of the disease, impotence may occur in men, and sexual dysfunction may occur in female patients.
10. Sleep disorder: A typical sleep disorder is to get up early, 2 to 3 hours earlier than usual, and it is not easy to fall back asleep after waking up, and fall into a sad atmosphere.
11. Circadian variation: The patient's mood changes day and night. Feeling low in the morning and getting better in the afternoon or evening. Short conversations and meals are available. The incidence of diurnal variation is about 50%.
We've learned about the symptoms of depression in the article above, so we also understand why depression kills itself. We must pay attention to this problem at ordinary times, so as to prevent patients with depression from appearing suicidal symptoms.