Depression symptoms


People's living conditions are better now, but they are also facing greater pressure, which is an important reason why more and more people are suffering from depression. Many people think that only people who are stressed out can develop depression. In fact, this thinking is not comprehensive, because everyone is at risk for depression. Therefore, to minimize the harm of depression to you, you must carefully observe your behavior in your daily life, because many neglected manifestations suggest that depression is likely to arise.
What are the main types of depression?
Type 1: Psychotic depression
Psychotic depression is usually a serious mental disorder. This type of depression is often very severe and requires targeted treatment and long-term antipsychotic medication to ensure patient safety.
Type 2: Reactive depression
Reactive depression is mainly caused by certain psychological pressure. This kind of depression doesn't happen very often, but it can be caused by some fixed stimuli. Typically, the patient suffers from severe mental trauma and even physical reactions such as headaches and insomnia during an attack.
Type 3: Secondary depression
Secondary depression is caused by certain diseases that damage the brain nerves or have a huge impact on the patient, and the same type of depression may also cause some other diseases.
What are the main features of depression?
Feature 1: Slow thinking
Delayed thinking is one of the main characteristics of people with depression, and there will be unresponsiveness and memory loss. This is mainly because people with depression have lost interest in work and life, and can't make their own correct choices when they encounter problems, so they don't want to do anything, and they can't improve their work efficiency normally.
Feature 2: Long-term depression
In the early stages of depression, patients usually exhibit chronic low mood features, usually of short duration, but as depression progresses and become more frequent, there are sometimes emotional declines and a lack of interest in things. This kind of patient develops for a long time, and it is easy to accumulate a lot of pressure in the heart. Pessimistic emotions may lead to loss of hope in life, self-harm or suicide.
Feature 3: Inferiority
The features of depression are all related to some extent. Due to long-term depression and lack of interest in things, the patient's life and work are affected, and the ability in all aspects is reduced, making the depressed patient appear inferior. Mentally, feeling useless, life has lost hope. At this time, patients often feel hopeless about themselves because of some trivial things, thinking that they are better off dead than they are.
Feature 4: Physical symptoms
For people with major depressive disorder, not only mental problems, but also physical changes occur. First, the patient loses weight rapidly due to the deterioration of their mental state. This is when the mental state is poor, the patient loses appetite, cannot promote the body's metabolism, and cannot guarantee normal nutritional supplementation. Secondly, there may be easy aging, sleep disorders, and women may experience amenorrhea or irregular menstruation.
6 manifestations of depression
Performance 1: Often annoyed by trivial matters
Many people think that people who are constantly angry are more grumpy and don't associate them with depression. In fact, this is not the case, because they are often troubled by trivial things, which are typical clinical manifestations of depression. So, if you've been mad about little things lately, you should find out why. If it's not because of your menstrual period or menopause, you should be careful to see if depression is at play.
Manifestation 2: Unexplained pain and discomfort
Depression is not a mental illness as one might think, but it does affect the normal functioning of the body. If you don't have any medical problems, but you still have unexplained headaches and nausea, you should see your doctor promptly to consider whether you have depression. If you are prone to depression, you should seek treatment as soon as possible with the help of your doctor.
Performance 3: Losing interest in things
In the early stages of depression, not only do people lose interest in the foods they once enjoyed, but even the things they once were interested in gradually become boring. Depressed people don't like to interact with people, they don't want to go to parties anymore, they just want to isolate themselves because things in the world don't make them happy anymore. So if you've recently lost interest in something, you should pay attention to whether it's caused by depression.
Performance 4: Unable to concentrate
Depressed patients generally have poor sleep quality, which directly affects memory and decision-making ability, and the brain becomes blurred and unable to concentrate on things. For example, forgetting work deadlines will seriously reduce work efficiency. Therefore, inattention is also a very important condition that should be brought to the attention of everyone.
Manifestation 5: Insomnia or lethargy
Most people with depression experience restlessness, which can severely affect their sleep, creating a vicious cycle of insomnia at night and sleepiness during the day. Of course, sleepiness has also become a means for them to escape from real life because they are helpless about some problems in real life. However, sleep problems often aggravate the condition of depression, creating a vicious cycle that causes even more damage to the body.
Performance 6: Overeating
Although depressed patients often lose their appetite and lose interest in what they like to eat, they tend to go to the other extreme, which is overeating.
Because the filling of food brings them inner comfort, they feel it can ease their angry, lonely situation. Therefore, overeating is also a very important manifestation of depression.
Although patients with depression will have many manifestations in the early stage, many people do not pay attention to these changes, which is why many people do not know they have depression. If depressed patients cannot receive timely and effective treatment, it is likely that with the development of the disease, they will eventually choose to commit suicide, which will bring huge problems to the family and society. Therefore, if you notice signs of depression, you should intervene as soon as possible to avoid more serious consequences.