Does touching the skin of the face with hands often cause acne?


In daily life and at work, whether you're watching TV, thinking, or in a daze, it's almost inevitable that your hands will touch your face. Then someone will think, if we often touch our face with our hands, will it cause acne on our face?

Does touching the face with hands really cause acne?

Generally speaking, when you touch your face with your hands, you will get acne because there are many bacteria on your hands, so when you touch your face with your hands, it is easy for the bacteria to attach to the facial skin, causing symptoms such as acne, infection, and inflammation.

Also, if you have sensitive facial skin or already have acne, try to limit touching your face as much as possible. This type of facial skin is sensitive and fragile, the skin barrier has been compromised and the face is vulnerable to harmful attacks when touched.

Also, in some cases, the acne may have broken down, so if touched by hand, bacteria can easily remain in the wound, irritating the facial skin and causing inflammation and infection.

Even if your hands are free of bacteria, when you touch your face, the friction between your hands and your face can damage your delicate facial skin.

Therefore, everyone needs to try to control the behavior of touching their face with their hands every day. After all, our hands do so many things every day, and there's no guarantee they're free of germs. At the same time, you need to take care of your facial skin.

How to take care of fragile facial skin every day?

Fragile facial skin is more complex and requires more attention in daily skin care than other facial skin care. In addition to controlling the behavior of touching your face with your hands, you also need to pay attention to your lifestyle, diet, skin care and other habits.

1. Lifestyle

① Don’t stay up late, ensure adequate sleep, and give your body and skin enough time to rest.

② Make yourself happy, excessive stress and mental stress can also exacerbate acne.

③ Frequently replace and clean bedding and towels, and regularly sunbathe and disinfect.

④ Reasonable and appropriate exercise every day to help detoxify and speed up metabolism.

2. Eating habits

① Minimize the intake of spicy, greasy, and high-carbohydrate foods, pay attention to a light diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, supplement vitamins, and drink more water.

② Reduce smoking and drinking, which can also damage the facial skin and make it worse.

③ Reduce the intake of dairy products such as milk, cream and bread, which may stimulate acne breakouts.

3. Skin care habits

①Not only should you try to avoid touching or squeezing the pimples with your hands, but you should also clean your face well at ordinary times, and be careful not to wash your face too frequently. Also, be careful not to use soaps or strong cleaning products to avoid secondary damage to your facial skin.

② Pay attention to use skin care products with soothing, calming and repairing effects to relieve tension and discomfort of facial skin, increase the repair ability and tolerance of facial skin, and strengthen skin barrier.

③ Pay attention to sun protection. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays will also aggravate the inflammatory response, which in turn aggravates the sensitivity and fragility of the facial skin. Therefore, not only apply sunscreen, but also pay attention to the use of sunscreen tools.

④For fragile facial skin, pay attention to moisturizing, increase the water content of the skin, and maintain the balance of water and oil in the skin. Facial skin full of moisture helps reduce the production of oil and the outbreak of acne.

Touching your face with your hands is an unconscious behavior habit of most people. Here, I hope everyone can exercise restraint as much as possible - especially now that the epidemic situation is repeated in various places, you should pay more attention to hygiene and safety, wash your hands frequently, and keep your hands clean.