Postpartum weight loss methods and precautions


Most women look out of shape because of pregnancy. Body shape has a great impact on women's image, so many people can't wait to lose weight after giving birth, and health experts remind everyone to pay attention to postpartum weight loss must not be blind, but to take the correct method, so as not to hurt their own health. What should I pay attention to when losing weight after giving birth? What are the ways to lose weight after giving birth?
Methods of postpartum weight loss
Method 1: Establish a correct concept
New mothers who have just given birth cannot blindly diet to lose weight, because their bodies have not fully recovered to their pre-pregnancy levels, and some new mothers are still burdened with heavy feeding tasks. This is the time when nutrition is needed.
Postpartum forced dieting will not only lead to slow recovery of the new mother's body, but also cause various postpartum complications in severe cases. And taking diet pills is not advisable. Breastfeeding new mothers take diet pills, and most of the drugs will be excreted in the milk, which means that the baby also takes a lot of drugs with you.
Method 2: Reasonably adjust the diet
Dietary guidance during lactation
Daily dietary intake:
Cereals: 250-300 grams, potatoes 75 grams, grains ≥ 1/5
Fish, poultry, eggs, meat (internal organs) 220 grams (50 grams of lean meat is about the size of a ping-pong ball)
Fresh vegetables: 500 grams (green leafy vegetables and colored vegetables such as red and yellow account for more than 2/3)
Fruit: 200-400 grams
Milk: 400-500ml (pure milk or plain nonfat refrigerated yogurt)
Soybeans: 25 grams
Nuts: 10 grams
Edible oil: 25 grams (one teaspoon is about 10 grams)
Salt: 5 grams
Method 3: Proper aerobic exercise
On the second day after giving birth, new mothers can get out of bed and walk first, while new mothers who lose a lot of blood, have low blood pressure, and have a caesarean section should get out of bed on the second or third day. Women who have normal childbirth can generally start puerperium health exercises 2 to 3 days after giving birth, add 1 session every 1 to 2 days, and do 8 to 16 times per session. New exercise options are available after 6 weeks.
From 6 weeks postpartum, aerobic exercise such as walking and jogging can be performed. Generally, it is gradually increased from 15 minutes a day to 45 minutes a day, and adheres to 4 to 5 times a week to form a regular pattern. For women undergoing cesarean section, aerobic exercise and strength training should be gradually increased according to physical conditions such as anemia and wound recovery.
Method 4: Postpartum weight loss should not be rushed
Don't get lost in your goals, don't think that you can achieve the desired results in a short time, set a goal every week, according to your actual situation. Generally speaking, it is normal to lose a pound a week, which is not harmful to your health. Remember, you can keep your body healthy and lose weight gradually!
New mothers who fail to lose weight six months after giving birth don’t have to worry, as long as they master diet skills and exercise moderately, they can still recover. The recovery of postpartum body shape and posture will take half a year to a year
Method 5: Breastfeeding
Although postpartum weight loss is one of the top concerns of every new mother, it has been clinically found that breastfeeding mothers are more likely to regain a slim body. The mother produces 600ml of milk every day, and the calories consumed are equivalent to running for 60 minutes, walking for 110 minutes, and mopping the floor for 2 hours. Nursing mothers can easily lose 1kg in just 2 weeks.
Postpartum weight control standard:
6 weeks to 6 months postpartum weight/pre-pregnancy weight, the value is less than 1.1, which belongs to normal weight gain and is easier to lose. If it exceeds 1.1, it belongs to postpartum obesity and needs to work hard to lose weight. If your body mass index (BMI=weight/height2) is still greater than 23 at 6 months postpartum, and your weight has increased by more than 5kg compared with pre-pregnancy, you need to pay close attention!
Postpartum weight loss advanced time
1. Do not lose weight during confinement
2. 6-8 weeks postpartum, you can start to lose weight
3. 2 months postpartum, lose weight gradually
4. 4 months postpartum, increase weight loss
5. Six months after childbirth, the golden period for weight loss
Caesarean section mother : It depends on the recovery of the mother's wound. You must wait 24 hours after surgery, after the exhaust, before you can get out of bed to walk or do some light activity. It is best to wait three months postpartum after the stitches are removed and go home for rest before starting the postpartum weight loss plan.
Natural delivery mothers: Women who give birth normally can generally start 2 days after giving birth, add 1 session every 1 to 2 days, and do 8 to 16 times per session. New exercise options are available after 6 weeks.
What should mothers pay attention to to lose weight after giving birth
Note 1: Seize the opportunity to lose weight after giving birth
Health experts remind expectant mothers to pay attention to the time to lose weight after giving birth, not the earlier the better. Generally speaking, the best time to lose weight after giving birth is about half a year after giving birth. At this time, the mother's metabolism is relatively strong, and the living habits are not fixed. , At this time, postpartum weight loss is more desirable. If you miss this best opportunity, Momma don't have to worry too much. With reasonable exercise and a reasonable diet, you can lose weight very well.
Note 2: Forced dieting for weight loss, excessive exercise
How to lose weight after giving birth? The choice of postpartum weight loss method determines the effect of weight loss, so everyone must choose carefully. Many mothers think that postpartum weight loss is diet and exercise, which is not good for health after giving birth. Everyone should know that if new mothers lose weight by dieting, their metabolism will slow down, and they will not lose fat but muscle. Your stamina will also drop a lot. The best way is to spend two or three days a week exercising, and each exercise time is controlled within an hour, so that the weight loss effect will be more obvious, and the burden on the body will not be so heavy.
Note 3: Weight loss during constipation
Many mothers will experience constipation after giving birth, and weight loss needs to be paid more attention at this time. When the body is constipated, mothers should drink more water and eat more vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, which can effectively improve constipation. If the constipation is particularly serious, it is recommended that mothers drink more yogurt and milk, and eat some hot bananas to help relieve constipation.
Note 4: Exercise to lose weight just after giving birth
Health experts remind mothers that postpartum weight loss is not the sooner the better. Many mothers can't wait to start losing weight after giving birth. They may choose to do some exercise, which will have a serious impact on the recovery of the uterus, which will cause uterine bleeding, and even affect the recovery of vulvar incisions or surgical sections. cause other damage. Therefore, after giving birth, mothers should wait for a period of time. If it is a natural birth, they should do postpartum weight-loss exercises in one month or one and a half months. A mother who has a caesarean section needs to wait two months. .
Note 5: Weight loss during breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is a great way to lose weight postpartum because it stimulates fat conversion, during which the mother does not gain weight.
Note 6: Weight loss during anemia
Women bleed a lot when giving birth, which can easily cause anemia, and the body's recovery speed will be slower. If the postpartum weight loss plan is carried out at this time, the anemia will increase. When the mother has pelvic blood, the mother should eat more iron-rich foods, such as meat, brown sugar and fish.
For mothers, postpartum weight loss is very important, it will help everyone to regain their figure, and it will also have a certain impact on everyone's physical health. However, here I want to remind everyone that there are many places to pay attention to postpartum weight loss. If you don't pay attention to these and lose weight blindly, not only the weight loss effect will be greatly reduced, but also the mother's health will be adversely affected.