Why is my baby not sleeping well at night?


In fact, children also suffer from insomnia at night, which can be due to a variety of factors. These are actually very harmful to everyone's health. Pay attention to prevention to reduce harm and impact. What should I do if my baby has insomnia and poor sleep at night? How to do conditioning?


Why doesn't my baby sleep well at night?
In fact, children sleep a long time. Pay attention to good care to reduce harm and impact. According to parenting experts, babies' insomnia is actually divided into two categories, namely deep sleep and light sleep. At night, babies usually sleep three or four hours. There are some differences in the sleep of infants and young children. Deep and light sleep will be two or three hours shorter than sleep duration. There are many people who can sleep through the night. After the baby enters the light sleep stage, it can better adapt to entering the deep sleep. Many children or some adults cannot adapt to sleep and wake up from the light sleep.
When the child is more excited, pay attention to observation. When the child's cerebral nervous system is in an abnormally excited period, the baby usually has a tendency to develop later physiologically, and also likes to have sleep disorders. In this case, the child may be more active, outgoing, and sensitive than a well-sleeping baby.

It can also be a sign of physical discomfort. There are many reasons why babies don't sleep well. It is related to spleen and stomach, liver allergy, iron deficiency and calcium deficiency. Mothers should also pay attention to whether their children are sick. Babies should get the right amount of sunlight to promote calcium absorption and long-term sleep. Poor sleep quality can have a certain impact on your baby's development. New mothers deserve the right amount of sunlight.


What should I do if my baby is not sleeping well?
1. Create a sense of tranquility. Pay attention to daily care, people will secrete a lot of hormones when they sleep, which will help promote sleep function and help children grow in a dim environment. At night, mothers will get used to putting rich jade on their children. Keeping lights in the room makes it easier for your child to take care of the ions when they wake up, which can make your baby secrete too much sleep hormones and adjust the sleep time for your baby.
2. Help the baby adjust the biological clock. Pay attention to your baby's sleep schedule. At around three months, the baby will experience sleep deprivation. At this time, parents must not change the baby's sleep situation. Babies should be fed correctly according to their biological clock. , which is also the best way to develop your baby's sleep habits.
3. Don't go to bed immediately after feeding the baby. Try not to sleep right after your baby eats. Everyone should have this awareness, that is, about three months after the baby is born, he needs to sleep more than ten hours a day. If your baby sleeps ten hours at night. A few hours will eventually lead to less waking up at night. During the day, the baby can only sleep two or three times. At this time, the mother should pay attention to feeding or sleeping the baby.
If you want your child to sleep well, you must take good care of your body in your daily life. Taking these precautions can reduce injuries. For your child's health, taking care of your body is good for recovery. In addition, everyone should adjust the child's biological clock every day, try to sleep at night, and let the children and adults rest well.