9 good habits for skin care


Skin care common sense 9 habits will make you have good skin
Ruddy and fair skin is not only a symbol of beauty, but also a symbol of health. Having flawless skin is almost every girl's dream. So how do we take care of our delicate skin? 9 lifestyle habits that will give you good skin, let's take a look.
1. Choose the right skin care product for your skin type
There are countless brands of skin care products on the market, and there are also countless big brands of skin care products in various countries. Therefore, when choosing skin care products, many people choose expensive skin care products regardless of the introduction of others. In fact, sometimes expensive skin care products may not be suitable for you, but you need to choose skin care products that suit you according to your skin type and age.
2. Do a good job of sun protection in all seasons
Many people's understanding of sunscreen is that sunscreen is only necessary in summer. In fact, UV rays are present in all seasons, but the UV rays are slightly stronger in summer. Skin aging is inseparable from UV rays. When you're spending big bucks on skincare, it's a good idea to keep a bottle of sunscreen for yourself so you can take care of your skin more effectively.
3. Do not wear make-up but also stick to the base cream
A lot of people think of a barrier cream after putting on makeup. In fact, the role of the barrier cream is to isolate the skin from the outside world, so that the skin is protected from environmental and radiation pollution. Apply the cream to the skin with a protective film.
4. Wash your face with lukewarm water
No matter what season, be sure to wash your face with warm water, because washing your face with hot water will take away the moisture on your face and dry your skin, and too cold water will make your face wash incomplete, so you should wash your face. Wash your face with lukewarm water for effective skin care.
5. Clean your face

Although the work is very stressful, no matter how tired you are every day, you must remember to clean your skin before taking a break. Women who wear makeup must completely remove makeup from their face before taking a break, as the remaining makeup can clog pores. This can lead to enlarged skin pores, breakouts and blemishes on the face.


6. Do not apply the mask for more than 15 minutes
Don't rely on mask essences and high prices, wait an hour and rush to apply. The longer the mask is applied, the more it does not mean that the skin absorbs it. How is it, do you continue to eat when you are full? Applying the mask for too long will cause the mask to absorb moisture from the skin in turn, and the end result is that the skin becomes drier and more sensitive.
Go to bed before 7.11 to detoxify the body
Adequate sleep is the key to ensuring healthy skin. If you fall asleep before 11pm, your liver will be able to detoxify smoothly. If you remove the toxins, your skin will naturally be in good shape. Otherwise, if you ignore late night maintenance, you will see your own gap in a year. . Also, good diet and rest will show on your face, remember that internal adjustment is far more important than external application.
8. Anti-inflammatory after squeezing pimples
Although many people will advise you not to pop your pimples, even she may not be able to hold it back. Since you want to get rid of acne, you must choose the right method. The editor recommends that you do not squeeze acne with your fingernails, it is easy to crush the skin, you can use a cotton swab or cotton pad to press around the acne, gently press the acne and it will disappear. Afterwards, add a soothing and conditioning toner to make acne no longer red, swollen and inflamed, allowing acne to recover quickly without leaving acne marks.
9. Exfoliate regularly
Regular exfoliation is a good habit. Exfoliating once a week on average or every two weeks for sensitive skin not only removes old dead skin cells, but also promotes the absorption of subsequent care products for softer, healthier-looking skin. Luster, the efficacy of skin care products will be more magnified.