What should be paid attention to in scientific parenting of children?


A major problem with raising a child is feeding. For some couples who pursue a high quality of life, both men and women, the pursuit of work is very high. Feeding children is mostly artificial feeding, which is also the way that modern people choose more. For such feeding methods, what problems should be paid attention to, and what precautions can be taken to avoid malnutrition in children? What conditioning needs to be done for infant artificial feeding? Let's take a look below.
1. Formula feeding
In the absence of breast milk, formula feeding is a better option, especially breast milk formula.
At present, there are many kinds of formula milk on the market, and it is necessary to choose formula milk with guaranteed "brand". Some formulas are fortified with calcium, iron, and vitamin D. When formulating formula, be sure to read the directions carefully and do not mix them randomly. Although the baby has a certain digestive ability, too thick preparation will increase his digestive burden, and too thin preparation will affect the baby's growth and development. The correct mixing ratio, if calculated by weight, should be 1 part milk powder to 8 parts water. If the volume ratio should be 1 part of milk powder plus 4 parts of water, it is more convenient to prepare according to this ratio.
The scale on the bottle refers to the number of milliliters. For example, adding milk powder to the 50ml mark and adding water to the 200ml mark will turn into 200ml milk, also called whole milk. Babies with good digestion can also try whole milk.
Compared to breastfeeding, formula is a little more troublesome, especially at night, when a hungry baby cries incessantly when breastfeeding is not ready. At this time, the milk prepared in a hurry is very hot, and the child cannot eat it right away. Use formula milk to store properly, otherwise it will affect its quality. It should be stored in a dry, ventilated, dark place, and the temperature should not exceed 15 degrees.
2. Milk feeding
The protein and calcium content of milk is 3 times that of breast milk. Although nutritious, it is not suitable for the digestive ability of infants, especially newborns. The fat contained in milk is mostly saturated fatty acid, the fat globules are large, and it does not contain lipase, which is difficult to digest and absorb. The lactose content in milk is low, 5-8% sugar should be added when feeding, and the mineral content is high, which not only reduces gastric acid, but also increases the burden on the kidneys, which is not conducive to newborns, premature infants, and infants with poor renal function. Therefore, milk needs to be diluted, boiled, and sweetened to adjust its shortcomings.
Newborns 1-2 weeks old can start with a 2:1 ratio of milk, which is 2 parts fresh milk and 1 part water, and then gradually increase the concentration. After eating 3:1 to 4:1 fresh milk to the full moon, if the child has good digestion and normal bowel movements, whole milk can be fed directly.

Calculation of milk quantity: the daily energy required by the baby is 100-120kcal/kg, and the water requirement is 150ml/kg. 100ml of milk with 8% sugar can provide 100kcal of energy.

3. Goat milk feeding
The composition of goat milk is similar to that of cow's milk, with a little more protein and fat, especially albumin, so the curd is fine, the fat globules are also small, and it is easy to digest. Because of its low folic acid content and low vitamin B12, goat milk-fed children should be supplemented with folic acid and vitamin B12, otherwise it will cause megaloblastic anemia.
4. Breast milk + formula feeding
Breastfeeding and breastfeeding also use formula to feed babies. This method is mainly used when breast milk is insufficient or cannot be fully breastfed for other reasons. Mixed feeding can be used to supplement the insufficient breast milk after each breastfeeding, or it can be completely fed with milk replacer once or several times a day. But it should be noted that mothers should not give up breastfeeding because of insufficient breast milk, and insist on breastfeeding their babies for at least 6 months before using milk replacers completely. Mixed feeding is better than pure artificial feeding and is more conducive to the healthy growth of infants than artificial feeding.
5. Add Cod Liver Oil
Whether breastfeeding or artificial feeding, if the child is not injected with vitamin D after birth, cod liver oil should be supplemented in time when the child is 3-4 weeks old to prevent rickets. Because the vitamin D content in food (milk) is low, and there is basically no outdoor activity during the neonatal period, the child is not exposed to the sun, and is prone to rickets, crying, sweating, and fright. Currently, there are two types of cod liver oils. One is regular cod liver oil, which contains 5,000 IU of vitamin D and 50,000 IU of vitamin A per milliliter. Long-term use of this cod liver oil can cause vitamin A poisoning and cause certain harm to children; the other is a new type of cod liver oil, which reduces the content of vitamin A and reduces the possibility of vitamin A poisoning. No matter what kind of cod liver oil, it is not suitable for long-term use, because once poisoned, the child has no specific symptoms and cannot be detected early. The safest and most effective way is to let your child get more sunshine and more outdoor activities.


The above is the artificial feeding introduced for you. It is necessary to provide nutrition for children, to supplement the nutrition that children need, and to supplement children's health and intelligence. Usually, everyone should pay more attention to the precautions of artificial feeding, and take precautions for everyone in advance. Healthy. What to pay attention to when artificial feeding Cod liver oil, mixed feeding, goat milk feeding, formula feeding, infant feeding are all important, and a lack of that nutrient can lead to picky eating. For kids, being a picky eater is good for health. Well, today's introduction is here, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.