4 Ways to Get Rid of Acne


Acne tips teach you how to effectively get rid of acne
There are many small white spots on the face, which annoy many women. The process of getting rid of acne is like "the wildfire will not be extinguished, and the spring breeze will rise again". How do we say goodbye to these annoying closed pimples?

Acne is divided into blackheads and whiteheads. Whiteheads, also known as closed comedones, can be converted into blackheads through dirty air oxidation. No matter what kind of acne it is, it takes external force to get rid of it.


Step 1: Gentle Exfoliation
Acne is not acne, but pores formed by oil and keratin, so use a gentle exfoliation to remove aging keratin, open pores, and allow oil to drain normally. This is a relatively simple and effective method, but this method has obvious effects on superficial acne. If the acne is deep, it can be squeezed out by cosmetic techniques.
Step 2: Deep Clean Enhancement
The oil-absorbing deep-cleansing mask unclogs pores, leaving them clean and translucent, swept away pimples. For example, deep-sea mineral mud and natural clay have a cleansing effect, which can surface acne, wash your face, and reduce pores.
Step 3: Peel off the mask
The use of peel-off masks depends on your skin condition. If the skin has aging phenomenon and sensitive skin, it is recommended not to use. In addition, even if the skin condition is good, peel off the mask should not be used frequently. The peel-off mask can tear off the dirt, acne, etc. on the surface, but the epidermis will also peel off, so it is only suitable for oily and combination skin.
Step 4: Prevent Acne Growth
If you want to get rid of acne problems, you must learn to deal with, improve and maintain horny skin. Keratinized pores can easily become clogged with oil, resulting in enlarged pores, infected pores, and problems with breakouts and pimples.


When the skin is relatively dry, the keratin becomes rough, the new and old keratin slows down, and the aging keratin does not fall off. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen moisturizing, exfoliate regularly, enhance keratin resistance, soften keratin, and improve sebum.

When the skin is oily, the pores are easy to enlarge and the oil is easy to block. At this time, pay attention to using a cleansing mask, 1-2 times a week, and exfoliate once a week. Also pay attention to moisturizing and oil control, balance oil secretion. Such as salicylic acid, azelaic acid, fruit acid, etc., have the ability to clean the oil and enhance the speed of aging skin peeling.