Can I use antipyretic patches for my baby's fever?


For many families, having a baby at home is really afraid of melting in the mouth and falling into the palm of the hand. A baby brings a lot of laughter and hope to a family. But when the baby also has a cold and a fever, many times the baby has a fever, and parents will tacitly apply antipyretic patches to the baby. Is it really good for babies to use antipyretic patches, are there any side effects?
Generally speaking, antipyretic patches are used to reduce fever in infants through the action of the body, and antipyretic patches are topical drugs. Generally, there are no side effects when used correctly. Only a small number of babies develop a fever after using the antipyretic patch. There are some side effects and adverse reactions, but these are temporary and do not cause long-term damage to your baby's body. The most common side effect of baby antipyretic patches is allergy, because the baby's skin is relatively delicate and some are more sensitive. , The use of the antipyretic patch may cause a rash and should be discontinued immediately. In order to avoid discomfort when the baby is using the antipyretic patch, it is recommended that the antipyretic patch should not be pasted for more than 10 hours.
Are fever patches harmful to babies?
Generally, antipyretic patches have no side effects on babies. The antipyretic patch is a polymer water-based gel, which can effectively cool the temperature, and it will be cool as soon as it is applied. This product has the effect of cold compress physical therapy and physical cooling, and can be used for local cooling of the body. Especially suitable for babies and pregnant women. Therefore, the baby can use the antipyretic patch, and the baby with a fever can cool down in 8 hours.
In addition, the antipyretic patch also has the effect of environmental analgesia, which is good for normal use. The antipyretic patch has the functions of cold compress, physical cooling and pain relief. It is suitable for auxiliary cooling of fever caused by colds and summer fever; through local physical cooling, it can play an auxiliary analgesic effect on headache, toothache and muscle soreness. When the baby's body temperature is lower than 38.5 ℃, physical cooling methods can be used, such as taking a hot bath, using antipyretic patches, etc., but if the baby's temperature exceeds 38.5 ℃, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs, preferably in the pediatrician. under the guidance of. .
The above is the relevant knowledge about whether there are side effects of using antipyretic patches for babies with fever. I believe that everyone knows about the above content. The antipyretic patch belongs to physical cooling and can play a role in a short period of time. It is especially suitable for infants and pregnant women to use. It can also relieve labor pain and let the baby use it with confidence.