What should I do if my baby keeps repeating enteritis?


Once a child has symptoms of enteritis, parents will be very anxious. What is the cause of enteritis in children? What methods should be used to help children with these symptoms? Don't worry, children with recurrent enteritis need targeted treatment and conditioning, and usually pay attention to the correct feeding method. Parents must pay attention to protecting their children's stomach and intestines, and not let their children have gastrointestinal problems due to improper diet.


Causes of infantile enteritis
1. Infectious Diarrhea: An unclean diet is a major cause of enteritis. Bacterial diarrhea is the most common type of enteritis, such as Shigella, pathogenic coliforms, gram-negative bacteria, and staphylococci. Salmonella, etc., the disease mostly occurs between May and June each year. Filtration viruses are also a major cause of pediatric enteritis, such as poliovirus. Epidemic hepatitis virus and other viruses of unknown origin can cause epidemic diarrhea. Diarrhea is common between September and October each year and is mainly caused by a filterable virus.
2. Systemic infection: Children's resistance is not as good as that of adults. If there are symptoms of infection, it may cause gastrointestinal upset. Diarrhea can also occur in children with otitis media, pneumonia or pyelitis due to their weakened immune system.
3. Diet: Diarrhea can also be caused by an improper diet, indigestion, or a diet too high in milk, fat, or starch.

4. Oral antibiotics: When parents give their children medicines, they should consult a doctor in advance. Some antibiotics can stimulate the intestinal tube to cause diarrhea, and some antibiotics inhibit the development of normal intestinal tube clusters, causing the overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria and causing diarrhea.


How to deal with repeated enteritis in children
1. Repeated Infants with enteritis should pay attention to rehydration
Repeated enteritis, we must pay attention to observe whether the child has symptoms of dehydration. Pay attention to the phenomenon of dehydration: whether the child urinates less often (the number of times the baby changes diapers), dry crying without tears, dry and inelastic skin, sunken anterior fontanelle, etc. Whether you have received intravenous injection or not, you can buy electrolyte water to drink boiled water for children with diarrhea.
What should I do if my baby has repeated episodes of enteritis? If symptoms of dehydration are severe, it should be given intravenously if necessary. However, oral rehydration therapy is still a good method of rehydration. Drinks rich in simple sugars, such as sodas, fruit juices, etc., are not recommended for children under the age of 5, as they may worsen diarrhea. Boiled water can also be used if an effective oral rehydration solution is not available or if it does not taste good. Nasogastric tubes can also be used to replenish fluids in children if needed.
2. Infants with recurrent enteritis should pay attention to a healthy diet

Infants with recurrent enteritis must pay attention to improving the method of feeding the baby. Formula-fed infants continued formula feeding immediately after ORT rehydration. You can try brewing half milk (that is, the concentration is diluted by half) and see. If the diarrhea does not improve within 3-7 days, it may be necessary to switch to lactose-free milk powder (ie, commercially available medical diarrhea milk powder) under the guidance of a doctor.


How to Prevent Infant Enteritis
Newborns are usually caused by improper diet. Parents should pay more attention to the recurrence of neonatal enteritis, and daily protection and treatment of the baby can prevent recurrence. Eating expired milk or climate change can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain, and even induce neonatal enteritis. Children may also develop symptoms of neonatal enteritis due to abdominal cold at a young age.
The etiology of infantile enteritis is complex, and the disease has a great impact on the patient, and may also cause severe abdominal pain or indigestion symptoms. If not handled properly, it can even induce intussusception. Dangerous, you should go to the hospital for examination in time. Paying attention to the baby's diet, keeping warm, and preventing the onset of enteritis are the keys to preventing the onset of enteritis.
In the growth process of the baby, it is inevitable to avoid the invasion of various diseases. To prevent diseases and prevent diseases such as enteritis from entangling the baby, parents should pay more attention. Once the baby has enteritis, seek medical attention as soon as possible, find out the cause, and stay away from the hospital. Prevention of enteritis flares. Babies cannot express their feelings in words. Mothers must pay attention to whether the baby's daily diet and defecation are normal, whether there is crying or discomfort, the baby should seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and do not take medicine without knowing the condition.